Which Aggregator is best? Amatomu vs Afrigator.
Feb19Written by:
2009/02/19 02:38 PM 
One of the main reasons one would start a blog and write articles or posts is so that people can read them. But if no one knows your blog or posts exists then what is the point. Enter a blog aggregator. A blog aggregator is a service which takes your blogs RSS feed, and lists your latests posts on their service so that others can see and read.
So, as far as I know, there are two main blog aggregators in South africa. Amatomu and Afrigator. Currently I am listed on both. Both aggregate my feeds and both bring much needed traffic to my site. But the question is, which service is better.
Both seem to offer slightly different services. The differences are mainly in Statistical data, presentation, and aggregation. Both have some type of blog stats, neither is complete in my opinion, but both offer something slightly different than the other.
But then if blogs are all about stats, and stats is all about traffic. Then which one is the best? Which one brings more traffic to your site?
To figure that out you cannot rely totally on any one of these services for your stats, so you have to find another way of measuring stats. Enter Google Analytics. I run GA on my site and find interesting results shown in the stats on a daily basis. Just today I had a look to see which blog aggregator brings the most traffic.
Currently in the referral section of traffic sources on GA, Amatomu is sending 20 times more traffic to my blog than Afrigator. So from those stats it seems that Amatomu is the better traffic Agregator for me.
But what about you? Which service do you prefer, which brings the most traffic to your site? Let us know.
blog comments powered by 7 comment(s) so far...
Re: Which Aggregator is best? Amatomu vs Afrigator.
Dude, all I can say is we'll work on it! No excuses. By Stii on
2009/02/19 08:19 PM
Re: Which Aggregator is best? Amatomu vs Afrigator.
Why do I get the feeling that this post was inspired by one I did a few days ago?
By Chris M on
2009/02/19 08:19 PM
Re: Which Aggregator is best? Amatomu vs Afrigator.
Chris, Never saw your blog, or post or even knew you existed until now. Sorry Purely coincidental. By Robert Bravery on
2009/02/19 08:20 PM
Re: Which Aggregator is best? Amatomu vs Afrigator.
Lol, that's a first, really.
No problem, let's stick with coincidence :)
By Chris M on
2009/02/20 09:03 AM
Re: Which Aggregator is best? Amatomu vs Afrigator.
Chris, Cool. Thanks for the understanding. By Robert Bravery on
2009/02/20 09:06 AM
Re: Which Aggregator is best? Amatomu vs Afrigator.
Afrigator, Amatomu is not consistent with its statistics. Sometimes they are way off the mark and dirrefent from my alalytics stats By Jackson on
2009/02/20 09:59 AM
Re: Which Aggregator is best? Amatomu vs Afrigator.
Jackson, I have noticed some issues, but was not sure. Example, I see that some blogs have a high Amatomu ranking, but their Alexa traffic rank is way down. This is not scientific as Alexa only counts votes for a site with browsers that have the Alexa toolbar installed. But it is a point to ponder.
Although I have seen on many occasions that the Afrigator and Amatomu visit counts are very close to each other. By Robert Bravery on
2009/02/20 10:03 AM