Another Attack on Twitter
Apr12Written by:
2009/04/12 06:41 PM
What a week for Twitter. What a weekend for Twitter. Just as they sat down to rest after the recent down time problems and of course the StalkDaily worm that hit Twitter hard, another exploit hits them in between the eyes.
Early Sunday, the "mickeyy" attack posted messages in user's Twitter streams. The messages include the following:
Mikeyy I am done…
MikeyyMikeyy is done..
Twitter please fix this, regards Mikeyy
Man, Twitter can’t fix sh*t. Mikeyy owns.
Dude, Mikeyy is the sh*t!
Twitter should really fix this…
Read more about this at the mashable blog. How this could affect you. How to prevent it from affecting you. If it has already affected you, what to do about it. Another Twitter worm on the loose.
What is it that draws people to write worms, viruses, and exploit vulnerabilities in popular applications. Many have criticised Windows websites and windows OS because of the large amounts of viruses and attacks leveraged against it. But is is abundantly clear, that when you are successful at something, when you are popular, there are some in this world that just want to destroy something that works.
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