Acronyms to use on Gatorpeeps and Twitter
Jun9Written by:
2009/06/09 10:49 AM 
If you have been living in a man-hole you might not have noticed the obsessive craze of micro-blogging. Micro-blogging is a form of communicating and networking. Sites like Twitter, and South Africa's Gatorpeeps are examples of micro-blogging sites and services. But space is limited. Her is how to make the best use of that space.
The only snag is, unlike a normal blog which allows you to post large amounts of date, micro-blogging services are generally limited to 140 characters. Similar to SMS or Texting. So with such limited amount of characters to use, you want to get the most out of it. Below is a list of some acronyms that you can use along with their meanings. It is by no means an exhaustive list. Following that is a list of some emoticons.
- AAMOF - as a matter of fact
- BBFN - bye bye for now
- BFN - bye for now
- BTW - by the way
- BYKT - but you knew that
- CMIIW - correct me if I'm wrong
- FAQ - frequently asked question(s)
- FWIW - for what it's worth
- FYI - for your information
- HTH - hope this helps
- IAC - in any case
- IAE - in any event
- IMO - in my opinion
- IOW - in other words
- LOL - lots of luck; laughing out loud
- MHOTY - my hat's off to you
- NRN - no reply necessary
- OIC - oh, I see
- OTOH - on the other hand
- ROF - rolling on the floor
- ROFL - rolling on the floor laughing
- ROTFL - rolling on the floor laughing
- ROFLMHO - rolling on the floor laughing my head off
- SITD - still in the dark
- TIA - thanks in advance
- TIC - tongue in cheek
- TTYL - talk to you later
- TY - thank you
- TYVM - thank you very much
- YW - you're welcome
- - grinning
- - joking
- - laughing
- - yawning
Emoticons |
Description |
Basic Smiley |
:-) |
Smile, happy |
:) |
Smile, happy |
;) |
Wink |
;) |
Wink |
;-) |
Wink |
,-) |
Wink |
:-> |
Sarcastic grin |
:-D |
Laugh |
:-p |
Tongue sticking out |
:-)~ |
Tongue sticking out |
:-( |
Sad, unhappy |
:C |
Very sad, very unhappy |
Mood Smiley |
-[ |
Pouting |
:o| |
Bored |
;-/ |
Sceptical |
X( |
Angry, mad, upset |
:-/ |
Undecided |
:'-( |
Crying |
Action Smiley |
:X |
Kiss |
:-)~~(-: |
French kiss |
[] |
Hug |
:-@ |
Scream |
:-() |
Shout, yell |
>8D |
Crazed laughter |
|-I |
Sleep, sleeping |
:p.. |
Drooling |
Descriptive Smiley |
O-) |
Cyclops |
B-) |
Sunglass, cool, dude |
(:-) |
Bald man |
!-| |
Black-eye |
@:-) |
Man with turban |
=:-O |
Scared, afraid |
:o) |
Big nose |
%-) |
Cross-eyed, freak |
<:) |
Dunce |
Item Smiley |
@-}-- |
Flower |
<) |
Slice of pizza |
\_/7 |
Coffee mug |
(_)7 |
Mug |
\&&&/ |
Pretzels |
Animal Smiley |
=:-< |
Rabbit |
3:-o |
Cow |
:(:)) |
Pig |
>^..^< |
Cat |
U';'U |
Dog |
<^..^> |
Bat |
<:3)~~~ |
Mouse |
><))*> |
Fish |
:]==* |
Frog catching a fly |
@(*o*)@ |
Koala bear |
}i{ |
Butterfly, moth |
~<:^~^~ |
Snake |
People/Profession Smiley |
{|:-) |
Princess / queen |
}'-'{ |
Fairy |
+<:-) |
Nun |
+:-) |
Doctor |
P-( |
Pirate |
(:)-) |
Scuba diver |
<@:o) |
Jester |
*<|:o) |
Clown |
c):o) |
Cowboy, bandit |
Other Smiley |
o:-) |
Angel |
>_< |
Ouch! |
-_- |
Sleepy |
*_* |
Hyper |
%_% |
Confused |
<(*_*)> |
Man with big ears |
<(_)(_)> |
Toast, cheers, drink |
:-& |
Tongue twisted |
Do you know of any more. Share you Micro-blogging knowledge in the comments below.
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//Each Friday Buzz Networker brings together articles to help you understand the web, and get the most out of the web.Ace presents Easy Search Engine Optimization or Easy (SEO) posted at Inte... # Buzz Networker By TrackBack on
2009/06/12 01:01 PM
Re: Acronyms to use on Gatorpeeps and Twitter
This is very cool. Printed and now a hand-held manual :)
By Emil on
2009/06/21 12:59 PM
Re: Acronyms to use on Gatorpeeps and Twitter
Glad it is of use to you. :-)
By Robert Bravery on
2009/06/21 01:03 PM