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Web Developers Carnival - Issue #8


Written by:
2009/06/22 10:36 AM RssIcon

Welcome to the June 22, 2009 edition of web developers. In this edition we have many interesting posts. From marketing for beginners to popular CSS frameworks. Some awesome web design tutorial. How to back up your SQL 2008 express database. Keyword research and how to choose the right keywords. An article about the rise of new search engines. THen some web browser hacks for IE,  Firefox, Chrome Safari and Opera.

Ace presents Internet Marketing For Beginners: Selling Products And Services To Internet Marketers Part II posted at Internet Marketing Ace.

Ruoall Chapman presents Online Spyware Removal posted at Online Spyware Removal.

Verna Morris presents 50 Excellent Open Courses for Techie Librarians posted at Best Colleges Online.

Ace presents Internet Marketing For Beginners: Multi-Level Marketing posted at Internet Marketing Ace.


Nicole presents Weekly Resources #1: 5 Popular CSS Frameworks posted at Web Design and Development Blog.

Nicole presents Open Thread: Create the perfect CSS reset posted at Web Design and Development Blog.


Justin Acton presents Backup and Schedule SQLExpress 2008 Database for FREE posted at, saying, "SQL Express - Scheduling Backups"

Nicole presents Web Design and Development Tutorials | Serene Destiny posted at Web Design and Development Blog.

Nicole presents Daily Antics: The Coders Struggle posted at Web Design and Development Blog, saying, "A creative poem about the struggles of web coders"

Isaac Yassar presents New Search Engines - Can Anyone Beat Google? ~ Isaac Yassar's Blog posted at Isaac Yassar's Overture, saying, "Can any new search engine beat Google, probably not, mainly because Google isn't going anywhere but up. It is the dominant search engine with around 72 percent of U.S. online searches and its percentages are much higher in other parts of the world. (Source: Hitwise) However, there are some serious new competitors that may just take a bite out of Google's rosy search numbers. Never know, one or several of them, may just give Google a run for those all important search engine dollars."

Isaac Yassar presents How To Find The Right Keywords To Optimize Search Engine Results posted at Isaac Yassar's Overture, saying, "Search engines are the vehicles that drive potential customers to your websites. But in order for visitors to reach their destination - your website - you need to provide them with effective signs that direct them right to your site by creating carefully chosen keywords."

Isaac Yassar presents Free Traffic and the 4 Vital Elements of a Successful Website posted at Isaac Yassar's Overture, saying, "Let's face it, anyone can build a website. There are countless companies out there offering a vast array of web building solutions, some good, some great, and some quite frankly are a complete waste of time! But throwing together a website is really only part of the story, only part of the process. There are literally, hundreds of thousands of web pages, that won't ever be viewed and therefore stand no chance of commercial success. Some of those sites are relatively good; unfortunately their owners have misunderstood the process and have the cart before the horse."

webdevelopertut presents Web browser hacks, Css hacks - ie, firefox, chrome, safri, Opera posted at Online Web development Tutorials | Latest Tech News | Trends & Updates, saying, "A best place for web developers both basic and advanced developers to gain knowledge about html, css, latest trends, browser combatibility, tabless layouts, hacks, tech news and much more..."


Big Endian presents Overloading Constructors in PHP posted at Big Endian - Do you know what your bytes are doing RIGHT NOW?, saying, "The PHP Object Oriented Implementation wont let you overload methods. Or will it?"

Web 2.0

Nancy Miller presents Top 50 Best Game Design Blogs posted at Becoming a Computer Technician.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of web developers using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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