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10 Reasons to Blog Everyday


Written by:
2009/07/27 02:01 PM RssIcon

When I first started blogging one of the questions that sprung to mind was, How many times do I need to post? After some research I finally settled on the idea of writing at least one post every day, sometimes three. Pretty soon I had a good number of blog posts to my name and was quite proud of the effort I put in. But do you need to blog everyday?

There has been much debate over the frequency of blog posts. There are pro’s and con’s to both. But here is my list of why one should write at least one blog post everyday.

Remember that post frequency is no substitute for quality posts. This might sound contradictory, but don’t just post something for the sake of posting. No matter how many posts you have, if they are of poor quality, then you will lose readers rather than gain. The reality is that not everyone can blog everyday. If you can't then at least be consistent in you blog schedule.

Here is my 10 reason to blog every day.

10 Reasons to Blog Everyday

  1. Grow your site content. If you blog every day soon enough you will have tons of content to offer. One of the things that influence Google in it’s search results is the size of a site. Now it does not mean bigger is best. But consider this, which site or blog would you trust more, one that has only a few. 2-5 posts, or one that has substantially more. The more content, the more you have to offer your readers. Your site will only get bigger with more content — you can never have enough and, on the Web, you'll probably never run out of space to grow.
  2. To develop a following. A blogger will never have brand name recognition if he doesn't have regular readers, and he can't have regular readers if he doesn't have regular content to offer them. A following can be the best kind of promotion, so the more content, the more traffic. Remember your blog is your product. Promote it.
  3. Become an authority. Whatever niche your blog is in, the only way to get regular followers and readers is to prove to people that you know what you’re talking about. You can’t get that from just a handful of posts. You will never write killer posts every time, some of your posts will crash and burn. To recover, you have to pick yourself up and start over again. Writing everyday gives you time to recover when needed. You can never put all your knowledge into a handful of posts. So spreading them out will prove that you have authority on your chosen subject over time.
  4. Practice makes perfect. You are never going to be a top blogger straight off the bat. Granted some might be, but they are few and far between, Like anything, you have to practice hard at it, and practice everyday. Not to say that you must just write a whole lot of rubbish, but good blog time will improve your skills. No matter how good a football player is, if he does not get any match time, soon his skills will diminish. Blogging everyday will hone those writing skills
  5. To Show Commitment. Your readers want your content — that's why they keep on coming back. But if it's apparent that you aren't committed to developing that content, why should they make a commitment to read your blog? What you sow that shall you reap. If you sow a little you will reap a little. Look at all the good quality top bloggers out there and analyse how often they blog and post.
  6. To Develop a Habit. A blogger has to get into the habit of blogging everyday so that dry times are minimal. If you force yourself to blog everyday, then you'll eventually develop the habit of blogging, and it won't be forcing it any more.
  7. Maintaining Momentum. Often those on a winning streak seem to win more often. Those on a losing streak lose more often. Funny how that happens. The same applies to blogging. Writing everyday, helps you to build up momentum and then maintain that momentum. Not only in your blog posts but also in your readers and traffic.
  8. Help you think Outside the Box
    Admit it, writer's block (or blogger's block) is real. Every blogger suffers from this at some stage in their blogging career. Some more than others. But you have to be able to work around it. If you can't think of something to blog about, think outside the box. Something will eventually come to you, and you've just developed a great ability. Getting into the habit of writing everyday forces us to think.
  9. To Improve Search Engine Rankings
    The more you write, the more Google indexes. The more Google indexes you the more chance your blog stands of getting a hit. The more content you have the greater the chance that Google will present some of your content to the searcher. You'll start to get picked up for searches for things you never expected because of random posts. People search for everything — none of your content is useless.
  10. Plain Fun. I just enjoy the challenge. I enjoy seeing my ranking increase daily. It gives me great pleasure to see other people enjoy what I write. If nothing else, blogging should be fun, you should enjoy it. IF you don’t then get out now. It won’t mean anything to you, and it certainly won’t mean anything to anyone else.

Perhaps you have you own reasons why you blog. Let us know in the comments below. Do you blog everyday? If so, tell us how it’s going. If not, why, and does it work for you?

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