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What has Volleyball and Teamwork got to do with Blogging?


Written by:
2009/09/25 09:22 AM RssIcon

Twitter12 Every year on Heritage Day we attend a Volleyball competition. I have been playing volleyball for years, but age is now creeping up on me, so the speed and agility is not there anymore. Yet our team won both the men's and the mixed groups. Quite an achievement. What then has this got to do with blogging?

Work as a Team

Well, everything. You see Volleyball is a team sport. While there are many individual sports out there, they are often times difficult to rise to the top. With an individual sport like Tennis or Golf. One has to be brilliant in all disciplines of the sport. One also has to be on top of your game all the time. No room for error. You cannot slip. If you falter once, you’re gone.

But with a team sport you do not have to be highly skilled on all disciplines. In fact normally no one in the team is extremely skilled in all aspects of the sport. Talking about volleyball, there are special skills for spiking, setting, digging, defence and attack. The beauty about a team sport is that all individual skills combine to make the team that much more effective.Volleyball

If one team member has an off day, the other team members are  generally able to compensate. Usually this does not hurt the whole team to such an extent that they are destined to lose.

So what's that got to do with blogging? Blogging, in many instances can be viewed as an individual activity. The problem is you have to be skilled in all disciplines of blogging. Also, when you have an off day, or a few off days, your blog tends to suffer. Whereas if you were able to work as a team, if you were able to collaborate with other bloggers, your blog and their blogs will benefit from the sum of each others skills.

If you have an off day, if you were unable to do your best that day, your collaborative teammates could fill in so as not to allow your blog to suffer that much, perhaps not to suffer at all.


Forming a blog collaboration community has so many benefits. From promoting each others post, to guest posts, to commenting. There is just so much that can be done that will boost each others blog.

One such collaborative community is Twitter12. Twitter12 is a community of bloggers that are committed to to helping each other out through various media like Twitter.

Twitter12 provides an online community for bloggers to form tribes of twelve members (called “Twitter12”) by niche and then help each other on Twitter by promoting each other’s latest blog posts. It’s also a place where bloggers can come together and exchange ideas to improve your blogs.”

Read what Mike Cliffe-Jones, one of our Twitter12 members has to say about the topic at Bloggers Should Cooperate To Get Ahead. This post by Gordie sums the idea up pretty well, The Power Of Bloggers Collaborating.

Twitter12 is all about bloggers helping bloggers. For lack of another definition it’s team work for bloggers, or bloggers Volleyball.

Why not rush over to the Twitter12 website, join a tribe or group and start benefiting from each others skills. I know I have. Our group is the Entrepreneurship, blogging, design, tech, marketing. We’re looking for a few more members to complete our tribe of 12. Why not join if your blog is in that niche. Perhaps you could join another niche or even start your own and invite others to join as well.

Do you participate in blog Collaboration? What's it like? Has it benefitted your blog at all? What do you think of the idea? Do you think your blog could benefit from such collaboration? Leave us a comment in the comment box below.

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4 comment(s) so far...

What has Volleyball and Teamwork got to do with Blogging

Every year on Heritage Day we attend a Volleyball competition. I have been playing volleyball for years, but age is now creeping up on me, so the speed and agility is not there any more. Yet our team won both the men's and the mixed groups. Quite an achievement. What then has this got to do with blogging?

By TrackBack on  2009/09/29 04:34 PM

Re: What has Volleyball and Teamwork got to do with Blogging?

Hi Robert,
Thanks for mentioning I haven't been sure what to do with it as of late. Do you thing we need the site itself still. We seem to be working well as a team without having to go to it. Any ideas?

By Gordie Rogers on  2009/09/26 01:40 PM

Re: What has Volleyball and Teamwork got to do with Blogging?

Nice post, where do you guys play out of? I played all through my tech years but haven't struck a ball in anger in a few years now, was actually considering starting up again this year but I just got too busy round pre-season time.

By Michael on  2009/09/28 11:55 PM

Re: What has Volleyball and Teamwork got to do with Blogging?


Thanks for the comment. We used to play beach volleyball, indoor by a shopping centre near us, Alberton

By Robert Bravery on  2009/09/29 04:35 PM
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