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Is your blog actually useful?


Written by:
2009/10/16 09:40 AM RssIcon

helpIcon People blog for many reasons. Some blog professionally while others just do it for the fun of it. But whatever the reason, make sure your blog is actually useful to others who are and will be reading it. If your blog is not solving a problem or fulfilling a need or desire amongst your readers then you’re unlikely to see them return.

Now the needs and desires don’t have to be enormous or earth shattering. If you’re just meeting a single need, or answering a simple question you will not only be making their day a whole lot better, but you will also be building a community.

This post is inspired much by a conversation I had with a good friend, Mike Cliff Jones. On his blog Mike’s Life from a post entitled Should you go down the membership site route? There Mike talks about membership sites. One of my comments was that the site has to be useful. People won’t pay for rubbish. It has to meet a need. But then I read another post from Darren Rowse about a blog being useful, and it got me thinking. Not only should pay sites be useful but all blogs should be useful.

Don’t have a blog that is full of useless dribble and thousands of meaningless words that are thrown together without passion or direction. If that is your blog, then people will not want to read it let alone stay, come back for more or even tell their friends about it.

How can a blog be useful.

Their are many ways to make a blog useful. Here are just a few thoughts to ponder upon.

Educate. People desire knowledge. Nobody knows everything. Your blog can educate people. You have a skill, you have knowledge. Let that loose on the world. Write tutorials, answer questions, solve problems.

Inform. People want to now what the latest news is, or what the latest trend is. What’s hot and what’s not.

Entertain. Sometimes there are too many serious things going on in the world around you. Many want to sit back and relax and be entertained. People want to laugh, and cry. They want to know what the latest gossip is. They seek adventure.

Thought Provoking. People want their minds challenged. They want to exercise their intellect. They want to be exposed to new points of view.

Debateable. Nothing draws people to a topic than a good solid debate. People want to engage. They want to voice their opinion. They want to argue. A controversial and informative post will stir up a nice debate. Get people talking.

Build a community. No man is an island. People don’t like to be alone, They seek company. They desire to be with friends who share the same thoughts and interests. People have a strong desire to belong. Belong to something that is worthwhile. Your blog can build up such a community.

Is your blog useful?

I suppose this is a question we should all be asking ourselves. Whether you are a seasoned blogger or just a beginner, you have to ask the question every time you write a post. If you cant answer that question positively, then throw the post away and start over. Have each post enhance someone's life in some way. Reach out to people and change their life. Become a part of their journey.

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9 comment(s) so far...

Is your blog actually useful?

People blog for many reasons. Some blog professionally while others just do it for the fun of it. But whatever the reason, make sure your blog is actually useful to others who are and will be reading it. If your blog is not solving a problem or fulfilling a need or desire amongst your readers then you’re unlikely to see them return.

By TrackBack on  2009/10/17 09:49 AM

Re: Is your blog actually useful?

Hey Robert,

I hope my lifestyle design blog is useful to my readers. I also like to chuck in a post for debate now and again to keep thing fresh.

By Gordie Rogers on  2009/10/16 02:39 PM

Re: Is your blog actually useful?

Come on, do you think you'll get someone admitting their pride and joy isn't useful :-)

Years ago I ran a PD blog/web site until I had to shut it down and only then did the people come out of the woodwork and say how good they thought it was! I hope to achieve the same effect with this one but without closure.

By Kevin Tea on  2009/10/16 04:53 PM

Re: Is your blog actually useful?

LOL, you're probably correct. But then that's half the problem. How many alchoholics actually admit that they are alcoholic. 99% believe that they are not.

Who wants to read a post about grandma's false teeth.

Let hope you once again grace the halls of importance with you blog.

By Robert Bravery on  2009/10/16 06:48 PM

Re: Is your blog actually useful?

You bring up some good points. I am working towards making my blog more useful by teaching people how I take my photography, how I edit them and ways to scrapbook their photos and capture the stories behind the photos.
I may consider a membership portion in the future but for now I am content to share my knowledge and passion for free. Though a little comment love is always appreciated.
Wishing you a picture perfect day!

By Patty Reiser on  2009/10/16 06:59 PM

Re: Is your blog actually useful?

I cannot judge my own blog according to its usefulness. But your points here are the epitome of a good blog. I consider a lot of these principles into my blog. I just did not know if I did it right. :-)

By Walter on  2009/10/17 05:05 AM

Re: Is your blog actually useful?

A lot of people forget about this step. Your blog has to have a that is clearly defined and that you don't deviate from. Am I there yet? Nope, but I'm getting closer! Practice makes perfect.

By Nathan Hangen on  2009/10/20 05:42 AM

Re: Is your blog actually useful?

It all depends why you're running a blog. Are you attemtping to attract readers? If so it's important to provide value.

Some people simply want to express themselves. They could care less about readership. The use value is important only to them in the form of a creative outlet.

In addition to being useful it must be interesting. I might find something useful but unless it piques my interest I'm not returning.

By Ryan Biddulph on  2009/10/25 01:23 PM

Re: Is your blog actually useful?


You bring up some good points. But I have to ask myself, if you just want to express yourself, why not just write that into a diary.
But yes, the internet is a perfect place to express oneself.

Yes I think there is a fine line between usefulness and interesting. Both have there place and are not mutually exclusive.

By Robert Bravery on  2009/10/25 06:27 PM
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