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Is your blog presentable and friendly?


Written by:
2009/10/29 12:35 PM RssIcon

Friendly We have just traveled from South Africa to the UK. Going through both airports is an eye opener. So many differences as to how the employees handle people and customers. It got me thinking, if your blog was a real physical business and you were it's employee, would you be friendly and helpful. Many blogs today are indeed businesses and their bloggers are it's employees. But the question is, is your blog presentable and friendly


You can tell a lot about the a person within the first minutes or seconds of meeting them. The way they dress and the way they handle themselves tells you a lot about the person. Their confidence and their presence can either instil confidence in you or cause you to run looking for the nearest escape hatch.

Your blog is exactly the same. Within the first few seconds people will decide to stay or leave. A well designed and well crafted website is so important in determining whether a person will stay and read or whether they will move on to the next blog or webite.

Colours and themes need to fit well together and be a good representation of your overall theme of your site and blog. It should harmonise with your business or niche.

Colours can be a deal breaker. It can scare possible loyal readers away from your blog if not done correctly.

Layout and navigation is also an important aspect of a blog and website. If people have to struggle to navigate around your site, if they find it difficult ot find anything, they will navigate away.

Make sure your site is presentable, neat, good looking. It is the first impressions that last.


I hate it when I am doing business and the staff member does not smile, is rude and has no care if you are there or not. In fact you get the idea that you are wasting their time.

Your site needs to have a friendly feel about it. People need to feel welcome, that it is their home away from home. The copy on the site should fulfill their answers and needs in a convincing and mature manner. You can have contraversial content and still be friendly and convincing.

Don't have a site that says you do not care who visits and that reading your site is actually a sin. Conversing with your readers and clients is actually a burden for you. If you or your blog presents this kind of message then you either need to change it or you need to forget about the internet as a viable medium for business. Your clients will not return.

In fact if you are unpresentable in your business life and normal day to day living, you probably have very few clients and very little friends. It's time to change.

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4 comment(s) so far...


Re: Is your blog presentable and friendly

I could not agree more, Robert
It's easy to tell when an employee doesn't want to be bothered and are only halfheartedly doing their job. You raise a good point, you can see this on some sites as well.

By jimi Jones on  2009/10/29 03:43 PM

Re: Is your blog presentable and friendly?

I think we all like to think we put on the best face possible with our blogs and web sites but if we are perfectly honest we could all do something to improve them. Constructive criticism of mine is always welcome.

By Kevin Tea on  2009/10/29 06:13 PM

Re: Is your blog presentable and friendly?

Totally agree with you having come from a retail and then a sales background. You have hit the nail on the head there! Great post!

By Chris Downing on  2009/10/29 07:19 PM

Re: Is your blog presentable and friendly?

I've had to address this issue on my front recently. I'm working on it, but it isn't easy. However, it makes the difference between traffic that sticks and traffic that doesn't.

By Nathan Hangen on  2009/10/29 11:24 PM
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