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Social Media Optimization and Marketing


Written by:
2009/11/05 11:06 AM RssIcon

Social Media OptimizationFor a long time nowSearch Engine Optimization (SEO) for websites has been honed into a fine art with entire companies devoting considerable effort to defining best practices and touting the value of SEO for raising a site's performance on organic search listings. But there is a new kid on the block. With the rise of Social Media and Social networking, it's no surprise that a new specialised market has evolved. Some might scoff at the idea, but nonetheless it is there.

Social Media Optimization or SMO and Social Media Marketing or SMM, is the new kid on the block. What is it, and how will it help me?

Social Media Optimization (SMO) is a new term that was recently coined by Rohit Bhargava back in 2006 and has since been taking on life of its own.

But what is Social Media you might ask?

What is Social Media?

First of all "social media" is a buzzword that has been thrown around a lot lately. But what exactly does it really mean? Wikipedia describes social media as...

the online tools and platforms that people use to share opinions, insights, experiences, and perspectives with each other. Social media can take many different forms, including text, images, audio, and video. Popular social mediums include blogs, message boards, podcasts, wikis, and vlogs.

Social media can be considered anything that can help build a community to rally around. Companies/websites such as DiggDeliciousFacebook, Twitter, Friendfeed, Gatorpeeps, and Revver all fit the bill. These are all websites that can now be used as places to put out your marketing message.

Social Media Optimization.

With SEO the goals are clearly defined, you're trying to make a website visible in the search engines.  Is SMO really that different? Social media optimization is a marketing approach utilized to increase the visibility of your site by leveraging the power of social media and online communities.

But it's more than marketing, it's about building a community around a brand or an idea or a person. By building communities you get that community to do the marketing for you.

Search Engines have come a long way since the old days. Today there is huge competition. With the likes of Bing from Microsoft, Yahoo and Google, searching Social Media sites is imperative if you want to stay on top of the game.

Speciality search engines for sites like Twitter have been making headlines lately. A new Twitter Search engine has risen to the fore. Even Twitter is entering the live search market.

With so much Social Media search going one, one would be careless not to consider SMO.

Some Rules.

As with anything, there are rules to follow. Even though they are not written in stone, we would be wise to take note. If nothing else, remember this, Social Media is not about you.

  • Be real - The Social Media community does not reward fakers.
  • Participate - Get involved with others. Build the community. Join the conversation. Social media is a two way street.
  • Reward others - It's not about you. Promote and increase the social visibility of others.
  • Make tagging and book marking easy - Want others to promote your site and blog. Make it easy for them to do so.
  • Know your target audience - Pointless trying to build a community around dogs amongst cat lovers.
  • Create great content - There are certain kinds of content that just naturally spread socially.
  • Help your content travel further - Submitting your content to relevant sites will help your content travel further, and ultimately drive links back to your site.


Social Media is here to stay. We can't avoid it. With it come new challenges. Meet those challenges head on instead of shying away. Don't despise new talent and skill opportunities. Take my advice and socialise your blog or website.

I hope this has helped you as much as it has helped me. Share your thoughts on Social Media Optimization and Social Media Marketing.

Related Reading:

10 Things to help make Twitter work for you.

A List of Speciality Search Engines

A new Twitter search engine launched by former Microsoft veteran.

5 Simple SEO tips for Bloggers

10 Stupid Twitter Mistakes to Avoid

How to promote your blog by networking

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8 comment(s) so far...


Re: Social Media Optimization and Marketing

Good one! I'd never really thought of optimisation in this way, but you're right, we should think about how things are presented and tagged with SM in mind.

By Mike CJ on  2009/11/05 01:28 PM

Re: Social Media Optimization and Marketing

Traditional marketing methods are by and large so well documented copied and spread that penetration is limited especially for new sites without page rank clout or an established brand. A-listers like Darren Rowse are proof that the future is social media, which allows you to build around your brand one reader at a time. Just like a generation of blogs rode to A-list status on the wave of SEO I believe the next wave will be won by bloggers who master social media in new and innovative ways.

By Michael on  2009/11/05 01:46 PM

Re: Social Media Optimization and Marketing

Social media optimization is important because that is the way the world will see you.

By AntonRSA on  2009/11/05 04:27 PM

Re: Social Media Optimization and Marketing

Great thoughts here, Robert!

Your list of rules is right on. There are way too many bloggers ignoring the very simplest of courtesies in the name of marketing their products and content. I find it irritating and arrogant.

@typeamom has a good post recently on Listening on Twitter. You should check it out!

By Erica Mueller on  2009/11/05 05:48 PM

Re: Social Media Optimization and Marketing

Great post! I think SM is so important for blogging, because the key is building a community. There is a way better chance that someone who finds you through SM will become a regular, than someone who finds you on Google. In fact, I can honestly say that I've never discovered a blog I ended up following through a search engine!

By Kim S on  2009/11/05 05:58 PM

Re: Social Media Optimization and Marketing

Social media is so important because of the build up of the trust element. You find someone through or Facebook and you soon begin to see their motives, etc. Good stuff to ruminate over.

By Kevin Tea on  2009/11/05 06:37 PM

Re: Social Media Optimization and Marketing


Thanks for the comment. The link was really informative. I suggest all to read @typeamom's post. I couldn't agree more with her post

By Robert Bravery on  2009/11/05 07:39 PM

Social Media Optimization and Marketing

For a long time now, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for websites has been honed into a fine art with entire companies devoting considerable effort to defining best practices and touting the value of SEO for raising a site's performance on organic search listings. But there is a new kid on the block. With the rise of Social Media and Social networking, it's no surprise that a new specialised market has evolved. Some might scoff at the idea, but nonetheless it is there.

By TrackBack on  2009/11/06 12:41 AM
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