Blogengage: Promote your blog, get involved, worth it all.
Nov22Written by:
2009/11/22 04:16 PM
We are always looking for new and inventive ways to promote our blogs. Now the best ways to promote your blog is to actually convince others to do it for you. Word of mouth is still the number one and preferred way of marketing. First of all because it's genuine and carries a good recommendation, and secondly it's a whole lot cheaper than normal marketing channels.
While searching and surfing around the blogospere I came across a wonderful site called Blogengage.
Blogengage was started and is run by Brian, who has done a wonderful job so far. But what makes Blogengage so special?
As the name suggests, Blogengage is about bloggers networking and engaging other bloggers. It is truly about social networking. The more you help and promote other bloggers and their posts, the more your blog and post will get promoted. It's a chance to build a community of bloggers around you. It's a chance to get involved in the community that others have built.
Without credibility not many are going to take you seriously. Blogengage is a chance for you to build up that credibility. You have the opportunity to let a growing base of bloggers know about you. It is an opportunity for you to show others how serious you are about blogging.
Blogengage is a great place for resources and information. Looking for an idea for a blog post, need a question answered, then blog engage offers you the opportunity to gain that knowledge and information. With the blogger pool and knowledge pool growing quickly, Blogengage promises to be a wealth of information.
Probably what most of you are looking for is a chance to drive traffic to your site. With Blogengage you get just that. With hundred of other bloggers eagerly seeking information, and eagerly seeking for new ways to help others, Blogengage is the perfect tool to increase your blog traffic.
Make Money.
Looking to make money, well then Blogengage might be that place that can help. You probably will not become rich overnight, but every bit helps, right?Blogengage does this by introducing a revenue sharing program with Google's AdSense Program. When creating your Blogengage profile, you will have a spot where you can place your AdSense pub-xxxx number and immediately after that, all articles that you submit and viewed by others will give you the chance to earn 50% of AdSense clicks that are generated.
How does Blog Engage work?
Basically, you submit links of articles to Blogengage and engaged bloggers get to vote for them up or down. The more "up" votes you get, the closer you get pushed to the front page and when this happens the traffic will come flowing. So mosey on to Blogengage, set up your profile, start adding friends, promote your posts and promote others. Go ahead, what are you waiting for?
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Technorati Tags: Blogging, Blog, Promotion, Marketing, Community
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