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Dear Dr Blog.


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2009/12/07 10:04 AM RssIcon

helpline There are so many blogs around today that are really sick. They do not receive much attention. They are not updated often. Their themes are very bad. All in all they are neglected.

Unfortunately blogs cannot do much about that. However, we as humans, when we feel ill can go to the doctor or see a shrink. We can even phone a help line if there is something serious bothering us. You can even write into a newspaper column, or magazine column and pour your heart out. You know the “Dear Sue …” type columns.

So, if your blog were able to write into a help column what would it say. Then if you were the Doctor or Counsellor, or columnist, what advice would you give?

Dear Dr Blog…

What is a blog to do. I feel frustrated, hurt and neglected. I found your site on the internet and in desperation I am writing to you for help. My author just does not get it. Is there anything I can do? What words of encouragement can I give him? How can I stir him on to better things?

Here are a few things just off the top of my head that are really frustrating and weighing me down.

He only writes about himself – He never worries about my readers. It’s all him him him. Readers don’t stay long. I get very lonely here day after day with nobody visiting. They never find anything of value, it’s not worth it to them. I wish my readers would have a reason to hang on my every word, but they don’t, because it’s all about him. I can’t fulfil my purpose, and that is to be read.

Sell sell sell – All he does is try to sell some product or other that he believes will make him millions. No matter how hard I try to change the words on my page, it does not help. He wants to sell this and sell that to his readers. They do not want to buy anything. They do not want a sales pitch shoved down their throats every time they read me. But what am I to do?

I wish he would just educate for a change. Teach some of my readers something. They are so hungry to learn, so eager for new information. I know my author can do it, he is a bright guy. If he would just give away some of that knowledge instead of trying to sell everything. I am sure my readers will come back and even invite their friends.

Consistency -  You know he is never consistent. One week he will fill my pages with words every day, then I do not see him for weeks or months on end. Then he bombards me with loads of articles for a month, then I never hear or see him for two. All I want is some consistency. I really do not need to see him every day. But if he would just pop by on a regular basis, that would make a world of difference.

I’m ugly -  I look like a mess. He really does not care for me. Bless his little heart, but he has no idea about colour combinations. He should really go and read up on some colour theory. The theme that he has chosen just really does not work. It does not even remotely convey the niche that I am supposed to occupy. My navigation sucks. It’s so bad, even I get lost in my own pages. How bad is that?

No connection -  I cannot connect with my readers. There is just nothing there. My author does not care about his readers at all. He does not try to reach out to them. I know that there are problems to solve, but do you think he is interested in solving problems for them? He says it’s their problem let them deal with it.

He does not stir up their emotions. He does not cause them to think and ask questions. I would even be satisfied if he wrote something controversial now and then. Oh how I wish he would engage with my audience.

Mindless content – If I have told him once I’ve told him a thousand times, Content is King. But then who am I, I’m just a blog. All he writes, when and if he does write, he writes the biggest load of dribble this side of the Atlantic. My readers are not interested in reading rubbish all day, every day. I just wish he would leave some valuable relevant copy on me. It would give me something to think about as well.

Not responding to readers – In the beginning we had a few of our readers leave comments. Then more started to write little snippets of valuable information. But you know what, he does not care. He never responds. Not even a Hi, or thank you. It’s no wonder the readers stopped commenting.

It’s not fun – When we first started him and I, we used to have so much fun. But now all I am is a burden to him. he loathes me. I can see it in his face. Every time he looks at me, he looks in disgust. Blogs just want to have fun you know.

Your sincerely

Frustrated Blog.


So if you were the counsellor, how would you respond? What advice would you give? I would like to know. Come on help out our little blog friend. Give him some advice on how he can get his author to do what is right. What words of encouragement would you have for him to pass on to his blogger?

Leave your tips in the comments below. Perhaps you can even start of with; “Dear Frustrated Blog …”

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