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Blog Posts From The Brave Programmer


Don’t let your blog get like my back garden.


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2009/12/08 07:58 AM RssIcon

We had a wonderful opportunity to visit and holiday in the UK for a month. The beauty about this trip was that it was all paid for. Air tickets, apartment, food, even transport in the UK. We are so grateful to our family. But leaving your house and home unattended is a terrifying task.

Fortunately we have that covered, with people living on the property. But they were not going to do any maintenance. During the time we were away it rained a lot. Apparently we had the biggest storm in 50 years. As a result my grass grew way out of control. My garden became a jungle.

I actually mowed it before I left. But when I got back this is what greeted me.


My advice to you is don’t let this happen to you. It is very hard to get it to where is should be if you let the grass grow like this.

But what about your blog. Have you neglected your blog. Has it grown into a jungle of overgrowth and weeds. My other advice to you is do not let your blog get like my garden.

So to avoid this what are we to do?


The easiest thing to do is to maintain. For my lawn, It would have been easier to get someone in at least once a week to maintain the garden.

The biggest problem with blogs that go awry is maintenance. Not moderating comments. Not keeping control of your adsense ads.


My biggest issue in my garden is weeds. We literally have weeds for Africa. If I do not maintain a good mowing schedule the weeds get out of hand.

You need to weed out the things in your blog that do not add value and that do not make sense. These things will continuously grow to overshadow your blog if you do not maintain a regular monitoring schedule.


Don’t forget the trimming. Getting rid of all the horrible and useless stuff on your blog is the hard part. But the job is not done. Your blog needs to be trimmed. Look at the fringes are there things on your blog that are not quite right. Neaten up a bit. Make it more appealing. Cut back on those widgets and ads if you need to.

Use the right tools.

I suppose the most frustrating thing about all this is trying to cut the grass with blunt lawnmower blades. Even worse with a pair of shears. Use the right Tools for the job.

Maintaining a good blog is all about using the right tools to do the job. Make sure you have the best blogging software for your needs. The best one seem to be:

The last three are more geared towards a complete CMS solution. Which is best is up to your needs.

Then look for good online and offline writing software like "Windows Live Writer”, or perhaps Firefox's ScribeFire.

Make sure you have good analytical and tracking tools so that you can make informed decisions. Look at Google Analytics.

A good graphics package if you feel the need to alter and touch up on your themes. Perhaps you want to alter or enhance the graphics. Also excellent for those little touches to your in post graphics. There are so many tools available but suppose the most used are:

Have fun.

What's the point of having a nice well maintained garden if we do not make use of it and have fun. Granted it is not fun to get it into shape. But once it is, and properly maintained, then it can be a world of fun.

So should your blog be. It should not be a burden to you. It should be something that brings you joy. Something that is fun to do. When you are finished with each post, you should have some feeling of accomplishment. Otherwise it is back to square one. Back to The beginning. Where your blog is neglected and it gets like my back garden. DONT!

Related Reading:

15 of Best Firefox Add-ons - Extensions for Developers

Using Wordpress on Vista and IIS 7.0

Which is better vs

5 Great tips to improve your website and blog.

A successful blog takes hard work

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