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What to get your blog for Christmas?


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2009/12/21 08:25 AM RssIcon

Christmas season is upon us. People all over the world are getting into that joyful happy mood associated with Christmas. Shopping, buying presents, giving gifts is what it is all about. You have bought presents for your friends and family. Perhaps you even bought yourself a gift. But what about your blog? What will you do for your blog this Christmas?


Business slows down tremendously over the Christmas season as people start to wind down for the end of year in an effort to relax before the start of a new year. It seems to me that blogs and blogging suffer the same symptoms as bloggers do not write as often, readers are on holiday so they do not read as often. Something that I fully understand and accept.

So how do the remaining bloggers keep up their readership or perhaps even gain more. What can you do for your blog that will increase it’s growth and readership this Christmas?

Give something for free.

I think we need to look at this from a different angle. It’s not what we should be doing for our blog, but what we can do for other blogs. The key is to help promote other bloggers, to give something away for free.

This is a fitting exercise especially at this time of Christmas. The season of giving. Why not take this week and do something wonderful for another blog or blogger. Perhaps give them a free eBook that you normally charge for. Maybe write a small post promoting their blog. Maybe run a free advert linking back to their blog. Maybe offer them a free subscription to your forum.

There are so many things we can do to help other bloggers this Christmas, I am sure you can think of one. But why stop there, why only help other bloggers at Christmas. My challenge to you for the new year is to try and help a fellow blogger every week of the year. Do something that will benefit another blogger at least once a week for the next year. I challenge you, I dare you to give.

Free Advertising.

Here is me opening my mouth about giving. What do I have to give? I thought about this and came up with a plan that I hope you will take advantage of. I have decided to give away a free 125x125 ad on my blog for this Christmas week to the first four (4) blog comments I receive. So if you want to take advantage of this, just comment and then DM me on twitter to let me know that you would like to take part in the Christmas Free Ad giveaway. Then mail me your 125x125 ad with a URL to link to.

Why DM me if you want to participate? Well because not everyone who might comment will want to be involved. That just allows me to choose the first four who comment and DM.

My Twitter address is @robertbravery

Merry Christmas to you all!

Remember you can win a weeks worth of free ad space just for commenting. The best comments during the week will get a weeks free advertising space. Check out: Win free advertising for your blog

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