Top 55 Twitter tools to use in 2010
Dec29Written by:
2009/12/29 01:17 PM
Twitter, the social network and micro blogging service, that everyone seems to be using. Starts out quite mundane and innocent, until you get hooked. Then you get so involved that Twitter seems to take up a significant portion of your day.
Now there are some great tools to help you and make you more productive and more interesting on twitter. Check it out.
Tweet Everywhere
These Twitter tools help you not only to send your tweets to twitter but also to other social networking and social media sites like Friendfeed, Facebook, Linkedin, etc.
Desktop Clients
These twitter tools get installed onto your desktop computer or laptop and allow you to tweet, organise, DM, Reply, use URL shortners and a whole bunch of other awesome things directly from your desktop computer. This without the need to use the traditional Twitter Web interface.
Contact Management
These Twitter tools help to manage your contacts, those whom you follow and those who follow you. You can also search for new followers, analyse those following you, find out who they are following and a bunch of other cool things as well.
Group Tweets
These Twitter tools help with twittering productivity. You can DM and Tweet to groups and lists of people at once. If you want to send the same DM to a group of your followers but don’t want to do the same thing every time, then check out these Twitter tools.
Twitter Directories and Search
These Twitter tools are just that. Directories where you can search for new followers or find who is following you via certain parameters and keywords. What their follow count is, their bio, etc. A really helpful set of tools to increase followers relevant to your niche.
Share Files, Pictures & Videos via Twitter
These Twitter tools allow you to share multi media files via Twitter. Most of them store those files outside of Twitter on their own servers but offer links to said files. They also allow you to use your normal Twitter ID and password.
URL Shortners.
As I’m sure you know, Twitter doesn’t lend itself well to the long-winded. With only 140 characters at your disposal, shortening long website addresses is a must. These Twitter tools help with making those long URL’s into much, much smaller ones. I’m sure there are many more, but here are just a few that I use.
Mobile Clients
Do you tweet and use Twitter through your mobile or cellular phone. Here are some Twitter tools that you can add to your mobile tweeting arsenal.
Twitter Backgrounds.
These Twitter tools help you to design new and appealing backgrounds. Sick and tired of the default twitter background. Design your own or select from a list of free backgrounds.
Tweet Schedulers and productivity and auto tweets
With these Twitter tools you can schedule tweets for later as well as tweet blog entries. Help when you are either very busy or away for a short while. If abused might seem very un-personal and automated. Duh.
Twitter Statistics, graphs, analysis and evaluators
These twitter tools allow you to evaluate your twitter profile, run analysis on your twitter reach and popularity. In general they offer all sorts of stats and graphs relating to you and Twitter.
Twitter Fun
These Twitter tools are just for fun. You can send weird ASCII characters, tweet upside-down, even convert your tweet to pirate talk.
Toolbars and Firefox addins
Twitter tools to make tweeting from within your browser so much more fun and easy.
Ok before you go saying, hey you’ve missed one,two, many. Let me say that there are thousands of twitter apps, add-ons, and tools all aimed at twitter, I cannot possibly list them all. Perhaps you are using one that I have not mentioned and you think it is a must have. Let us know in the comments below.
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