With Friends Like These
Jan19Written by:
2010/01/19 08:13 AM 
Blogging and social networking has always been about building up relationships. Building trust. A good blog has a good strong community around it. Friends and loyal readers is what blogging and and social networking is all about.
I have tried to build up a solid relationship with as many people who read my blog as I can. Interacting with people personally and directly. Trying to help them out where I can, promoting them and their blog as much as possible.
Just recently I experienced the benefit of these efforts and was really blessed by the kindness and concern of friends.
My blog and website recently had an awful crash. I had concerned DM’s via twitter, words of encouragement. Even offer of technical help from my friends and readers that I was blown away.
So why am I telling you this. Well because I would like to first of all, encourage you to understand the huge benefits of building up a solid community for your blog. Then I would also like to thank and mention those who were so kind to me.
Thanks to @BonnieLandau from Landau Design Who offered the technical help of her developers
Thanks to @JimiJones from The Online Business Blog Who initially brought my attention to the matter as well as being faithful in testing for me.
Thanks to @benlumley6 from 6 Aliens and @GoodSEO from Good SEO for words of encouragement
My encouragement to you is be earnest in building up your blog community. Be honest and sincere. Be helpful and kind and giving.
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