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How much time do you spend on your blog?


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2010/02/11 08:03 AM RssIcon


time It should be very well known that blogging is not easy. It is not a ride in the park. I have on many occasions stated that blogging is hard work. For your blog to be successful you have to put in the manpower. Blood, sweat and tears, and I do not know which order they come in. But most of the times blood, sweat and tears attack you at the same time.

How much time do I spend?

  • I spend about 2-3 hours writing a blog post. This also includes research, proof reading and posting. It does not include promotion.
  • I spend about an hour reading and replying to comments
  • I spend about an hour on Twitter and other social networks on matters directly related to blogging. Promoting my blog or someone else's.
  • I spend about 1-2 hours reading and commenting on other blogs.

As you can see this is a huge chunk out of my day. This is besides the other work that I do. I actively develop websites. I design and develop applications, web based and desktop or windows based.

Do I see any reward?

Well I supposed one has to define what a reward is. What determines success? I suppose this all depends on you as a person and the type of blog you have as well as your goals.

For me I have seen some reward. My readership has increased. Comments on my blog have become more interactive, less spam. I have built up a good community of friends, who go beyond the call of duty to help and look out for me.

So, yes, I think it has worked. I would like to see more. But then I guess I have to spill more blood, and shed more tears.

Is it bad to spend so much effort?

Spending a lot of time on you blog can have a negative affect. It can impact on your heath. Yes too much time in front of that computer is not good for your health.

It can impact on your family life. When your spouse refers to your blog or computer as the other better half. Then its time to worry. Is your blog really  worth that sacrifice?

What about other commitments. Many bloggers are not full time. They have a job to hold down. Working over 8 hours a day, then still having to find time and effort to build a successful blog. It isn't easy I tell you.

How much time do you spend?

I would be keen to know how much time you spend on your blog and things related to blogging and/or your blog. Has it paid off for you? How have you measured your success.

Is there anything that you and I can do to get the most out of the time we have. Things that will make sense, save time, yet increase our productivity and quality of our blog?

Related reading:

A successful blog takes hard work

The Ultimate Checklist for an Awesome Killer Blog Post

How to create a successful website

What is blogging all about?

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