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Would you still blog if it was illegal to earn money?


Written by:
2010/02/18 07:58 AM RssIcon

nomoney What if some international law was passed that bloggers could not earn money directly or indirectly from blogging. What if money did not exist? What if you could not get remunerated for your time and skills as a blogger?

What if you had to worry about food, clothes and shelter? Would you still find time or passion to blog?

Would you still blog?

Do you enjoy blogging?

This is a simple question with powerful significance. Having no reward or no monetary value to your blog really brings out why you blog. Now I realise that not many people here actually earn a significant amount of money from blogging, but I’m sure most of us have considered the possibility, even wondered how it would be, if we could just earn a bit of cash.

If there was nothing else to force you to blog, would you still be passionate about it? Would you still blog with as much vigour and determination.

In other words do you enjoy blogging, really enjoy it that it matters not if your blog is worth $0 or $1 000 000 000?

Do you enjoy people?

Blogging without it’s bells and whistles is really a social networking medium. If you had no products to sell, if it was a criminal offense to offer something to someone in return for money, would you still be passionate about helping others? Would you offer your services for free? Would you give away that expensive eBook, or that cash cow course, or allow anyone to join your exclusive forum?

The heart of the question is this, is your blog geared to helping people, or just there to make money for you?

You and your blog should have people at it’s centre. The rest is just bonus, if you had no readers, no followers, then making money becomes a pointless and non rewarding task.

Centring your blog on people is where the reward is.

Do you enjoy interacting?

What if interacting with other bloggers, reading their comments, leaving comments, yielded no benefit to you whatsoever. Nothing in the form of recognition nor in the form of traffic. Would you still engage with others, would you still read other blogs, would you still leave comments?

What if you were never recognised for helping someone else in the blogosphere, would you still interact with these blogs and people?

I guess the question is, why do you interact with other bloggers? Is the prime reason to get return traffic, garnish some back links? Is the prime reason focused on your blog as apposed to the person or blog you are interacting with?


I suppose the root of the question is this, Why do you blog? What is your driving force? If that force was eliminated would you still carry on regardless. If you can answer that question positively. If you can still have passion and enthusiasm for blogging despite any outside influence, then you are truly a blogger. Then your blog will succeed.

Why do you blog then?


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