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7 Ways to inspire your blog writing.


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2010/02/23 08:03 AM RssIcon

Inspiration is one of the most important aspects of your blog. Without inspiration, your blog becomes website fodder and just another cyber squatter.

Many blogs fail long before 6 months because the authors run out of things to write about. Don’t let this happen to you. Don’t let your blog become a burden. It should be a joy.

Here are five things that can help you find that inspiration for your blog and it’s next few posts.

1. Read some books.

While reading blogs are great, many are not anywhere near the length of a book. A book can just offer that bit more than blogs sometimes. It’s also just nice to sit on the couch or lie in bed and just read.

Books can contain loads of ideas that will fuel your imagination for many blog posts to come.

2. Chill out and listen to music.

There is something about music, whatever your genre is, that will inspire many of the toughest un-inspirational people. Take time out to relax and listen to a few pieces of you favourite music.

Shakespeare said, “If music be the food of love, play on”. But today music is much more that the food of love. I say it could very well be the food to your blog.

3. Surround yourself with inspirational people.

Just like misery loves company, depression rubs off from other people, so does inspiration. If you surround yourself with inspirational people, they will inspire you.

You reflect the company you keep. Surround yourself with good people, and you will become that which your friends are.

4. Read other blogs.

I can’t stress the importance of reading other blogs. Even go as far to read blogs outside your niche. There are tons of inspirational blog posts out there, you just have to find them.

5. Change your routine.

Try something different. Don’t stay in the same rut day in and day out. This is a sure recipe for boredom and mind numbing, leaving you with a blank every time you want to write a post.

6. Guest blog for someone else.

It’s amazing how you can find new ideas when your mind is forced to think of new things as you write for a different blog. Guest post for blogs that are outside your niche even.

7. Patience.

Patience is the key here. Don’t try to force it. Let it come to you. Good things come to those who wait. Writing that killer post does not happen overnight.

If you have the passion, and wait with patience that killer post will be just around the corner.


There are many places we can find inspiration. We just have to look for them. What about you? Do you have any inspirational ideas to share with us.

Related reading:

Where to get your next inspirational blog post idea from

Who Inspires you?

Where to find blog post ideas from?

The Ultimate Checklist for an Awesome Killer Blog Post

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