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There is nothing magical about your blog!


Written by:
2010/03/03 08:09 AM RssIcon


magic-hat I was just reading from one of my many RSS feeds about monetizing ones blog. Reading through this particular bloggers post I came across a subheading very similar to my title. In fact this is where I got the idea from. He stated that there is nothing magical about a blog.

While that statement in essence might be true, I wondered if it was true about my particular blog. Is there anything magical about my blog?

Have you asked yourself the question? Is there anything magical about my blog? If the answer is not. Then I’m afraid you and your blog need some help. If your blog is not magical to you, how do you expect others will see it.

What is magical?

Every blog has it’s own character. Every blogger aims at a particular niche. So every blog is different. But the magic is something that sets your blog apart from the rest. Something that grabs the attention of the reader. Your posts change their thought patterns. It enhances their day. They are glad that they made the effort to read your blog.

Magic carries that sense of awe, of disbelief yet a sense of wonder. I do Gospel magic for kids. You cant believe how much they enjoy it. They always want more. They always have a response, always have their own idea as to how the magic is done.

Our blog should be no different. There should be a sense of awe, of wonder. It should encourage readers to want more. To start up conversations. to engage their minds.

How to transform your blog into something magical

Because each blog is different there is no hard and fast rule. No ‘one’ recipe that will magically change your blog. The magic has to come from within you.

Here are a few things to consider.

  • Put people first. Write for your audience, your readers for their needs and desires.
  • Use the right tools for the job. Find the best blogging software for your blog. Use the right widgets. Don’t use every widget you can find.
  • Have an awesome design. Use colours correctly. Don’t overdo it. Keep it simple.
  • Write killer content. Content is king. Content is what makes or breaks your blog
  • Solve problems. If your blog provides specific solutions to common problems that your readers experience, with time you will be able to build a loyal audience.
  • Be provocative. You may challenge your readers with some controversy or provocative topics that usually generate heated discussions.
  • Encourage interaction. You will attract more readership, if you allow people to contribute their perspective.
  • Don’t waste anybody’s time. Avoid publishing “filler” content. Always put your best foot forward by providing valuable tips for your readers.
  • Feel free to share the load. Not everything on your blog has to be written by you. It is okay to ask your customers, partners, colleagues or even friends to contribute their comments, articles or perspective.


So does your blog bring out the sparkle in my eye? Am I happy to have been there and read your post. If your blog and my blog does not have that something special, then we are just another drop in the ocean. Not making an ounce of difference.

Transform your blog into something magical.

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