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Why are blogs dying?


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2010/03/12 12:02 AM RssIcon

RIP The internet is filled with millions and millions of blogs. But a huge part of that are dead, dying or abandoned blogs. All you have to do is a quick search of the blogosphere to get a glimpse of the amount of abandoned blogs that were once promising opportunities (some of them had 1,000’s of followers).

It is estimated that over 200 million blogs have been created then abandoned. This does not include those blogs that are not abandoned but are close to becoming just another web fossil in cyberspace.

It is estimated that close to 240 000 blogs are created on a daily basis. Also there are more that 250 million blogs of all sorts in cyber space today.

But it’s not just the dying or dead blogs, but those that are updated  on a semi regular basis but are just mediocre and are not going anywhere.

Why are blogs dying?

For the most part its purely because the blogs are totally rubbish. Therefore no one is reading them, no one is commenting on them, no one is sticking around to find out more.

I mean, would you stay and watch a totally boring useless movie. Would you read a completely flat and bad novel. Probably not. Then why would we think that rubbish blogs are any different.

Blogs succeed when they inform and entertain and cause one to think or act differently. Some of the best blogs are rolling conversations with people who have fresh, provocative perspectives on the world. Well-constructed and informative niche blogs will do well, too - as long as they are maintained by people determined to make the blog keep rolling with fresh, lively, and informative content.

Blogs die, not because there is no potential, not because they didn’t have what it takes, but the reason blogs die or are abandon is because bloggers have stopped putting in the effort.

How to tell if your blog is dying?

You might have a blog, you might even write on a regular basis. But how can you tell if it is all worth it? How can you tell if your blog is active, or breathing it’s last breath.

Here are a few things to look out for. Warning signs if you will.

  • No one is reading your blog
  • Your traffic has not increased on a regular basis.
  • No one is commenting on your blog.
  • Your blog does not show up in Google.
  • Google has dropped your pages from it’s index.
  • Google isn’t crawling your blog regularly.
  • Your back links are not growing

How to avoid Blog death?

One thing I realised when I first started blogging, is that blogging is relatively easy. But it takes a lot of effort. Blogging isn’t hard work, it’s just a lot of work.

It takes a lot of effort to get those posts out on a daily basis. To do the research, to read and comment on other blogs. To promote and market those posts. All this takes time.

The main reason why many blogs die, is that bloggers have given up. Too much effort.

Here are a few things you need to do to keep your blog alive.

  • Write lots of quality content. If I’ve said it once I’ve said it a thousand times. A good blog is all about quality content. Content is King. Write lots of regular well structured good quality content. If you are looking to grow your blog quickly, then the more quality information that you create, the more likely you will be to have a quickly growing list of traffic driving long tail key phrase – and more regular traffic.
  • Promote it as much as you can. If you do not tell the world about your fantastic blog, who will? If you do not have any passion for your own blog, how do you expect others to develop a passion for it. Having a lot of quality is all good and well, but it’s still not really any point if no one knows about it. You can promote your blog in many different ways, like through Twitter, Facebook, Blog aggregators, communities, forums, Articles and guest posting.
  • Network, Network, Network. No one is an island. If you know anything about mankind is that they do not do well isolated. We need each other. We need to help each other. Build up your network and community. Engage with other bloggers. Help them out when and as often as you can. Your network is your support group. Get involved with other bloggers. Start promoting them and their blogs.

Is your blog dying?

Take some time to look at and analyse your blog. Is it on the road to nowhere? Is it on death row? If so what are you going to do about it?

Maybe your blog is not dead yet. But it is rather boring and flat. Take time to consider the three points above on how to avoid blog death. Start getting that content out. Start promoting and start linking up with other bloggers.

Consider joining our blog directory. Hook up with me, my Twitter id is @robertbravery.

Are there any areas in your blog that you could improve on?

Thanks to for the inspiration to this post.

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