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Carnival of Blogging. March 25 Edition


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2010/03/15 07:43 AM RssIcon

Welcome to the March 15, 2010 edition of carnival of blogging.

Jennifer Meyer presents Top 50 College Admission & Administration Blogs posted at online university rankings 2010, saying, "If you plan to apply to college, it is important that you have a little inside information. Learn about the admissions process, and get a little help from insiders."


Tony presents Blogging Tips for Wahms | Mommy Blogger Guide - How Work-At-Home Moms Make Money Online posted at Mommy Blogger Guide - How Work-At-Home Moms Make Money Online, saying, "Blogging is one of the best ways to start a Wahm business because it is so easy to get going. However, that does not mean that it is easy to make money from your blog. Don’t start a blog and expect to see money rolling in immediately.

Madeleine Begun Kane presents Weblog Wonderland Revisited posted at Mad Kane's Political Madness, saying, "Song parody lyrics that mock the battles between lefty political bloggers and rightwing bloggers"

Jennifer Saksa presents Blogging by Dictation posted at NCH Software Blog, saying, "An idea to use downtime for your own blogging ideas, or get more people with little time on their hands to help contribute to a blog. More content means more posts means more traffic."

Words2Words presents Goals: Starting a new blog. posted at Words2Words, saying, "A look into the goals needed and the paths to take when starting a blog. Various tips and commentary on content, traffic, and revenue generation."

Nesher presents Blocking Comments Spam with Akismet posted at Blogging for Good in the Modern World.

Zhu presents The Art Of Promoting Your Blog | Correr Es Mi Destino posted at Correr Es Mi Destino, saying, "What most people (including me when I first started) don’t realize, is no matter how great your blog is, chances are that if you don’t promote it, people won’t find it. There are apparently over 50-60 millions blogs worldwide and your blog could be lost in a dark corner of the internet forever if you don’t “hunt” for readers."

Digerati Life presents How To Create A Blog For Fun Or Profit posted at The Digerati Life.


Brian Terry presents Fast Track Guide To 5 Free Website Builders posted at Big Selling Website Design.

Wallet Blogger presents Small Business Financing: How To Fund Your Venture posted at The Smarter Wallet.


Mia Taylor presents Top 100 Engineers on Twitter posted at Top Online Engineering Degree, saying, "The top 100 engineers on Twitter, including full time, those leaning towards the science aspect, and even engineering students, along with other resources."

Soccial Media

James Feudo presents 5 Social Media Mistakes That Can Prevent You from Getting a Job posted at Overnight Sensation, saying, "Some ways that not keeping tabs on your social media profiles can hurt you chances to further your career."

Justin Smith presents How to be successful at network marketing posted at Driving success through Network Marketing Strategy, SEO and Leadership by Justin B. Smith, saying, "Driving success through Network Marketing Strategy, SEO and Leadership."

Delmy Martin presents 25 Fitness Gadgets that Can Improve Your Health posted at Phlebotomy Technician Programs, saying, "If you are looking for ways to improve your health, boosting your fitness level and improving your eating habits, it is possible to use technology in the process. There are a number of gadgets that can help you create a fitness plan, monitor your progress and even celebrate when you meet your goals."

Madeleine Begun Kane presents Feed Needs posted at Mad Kane's Humor Blog, saying, "Humo about being addicted to blogging and social media."

Leineriza presents 2 Reasons Why Teens Prefer Facebook Over Twitter posted at Blogger for Hire, saying, "A recent study says the that teens and young adults are gravitating more towards Facebook than Twitter and blogging. Here are two reasons why they avoid Twitter, and what to keep in mind when engaging them via social media for marketing purposes."

Web 2.0

Suzane Smith presents 70 Awesome Open Source Tools for Graphic Designers posted at Graphic Design Degrees, saying, "With so much demand, graphic designers can get caught up on the supply end. Don’t lose out on an opportunity or job because you aren’t equipped to handle it Use the listed 70 awesome open source tools for graphic designers to get a leg up, expand your resume, and much more."

Ava Jones presents 10 Real-Life Robots You Won’t Believe Exist posted at Radiology Technician Schools, saying, "There is some truth to the adage, as many of the robots developed in the past decade have come to represent common themes found in the myriad genres of speculative literature. Those who do not follow advances in robotics may find themselves absolutely stunned at many of the mechanized marvels available today."

Shakira Dawn presents 5 Excellent iPhone Apps for New Moms posted at Online RN to MSN Programs, saying, "Here is a list of five excellent iPhone apps for new moms that will surely help them lighten their workload, and bring a smile to their faces."

Heather Sanders presents The Educator’s Guide to Using Google Buzz posted at The .Edu Toolbox, saying, "One of the latest social media applications that has been getting a great deal of buzz is…Google’s Buzz."

Elisha Knackwood presents 25 Essential Free iPhone Apps for Journalists and Bloggers posted at Journalism Degree, saying, "While some of the most useful iPhone apps already come installed — including the Safari Web browser, camera, maps and voice memos — journalists and bloggers often need more apps to be on the cutting edge of any news story."


Elisha Knackwood presents Top 50 Family Health Blogs posted at fnp programs, saying, "If you are looking for ways to improve the overall health of your family, these top 50 family health blogs can help."

Soccial Media

Eadwine Walter presents Top 50 Education Technology Blogs posted at Best Online Masters Degrees, saying, "Education technology has many supporters in its movement to alter traditional teaching methods. This list of the top 50 education technology blogs includes writers, technicians and social media experts, but they all are teachers."

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of carnival of blogging using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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