101 Magnificent Words Guaranteed To Make Your Title Outstanding.
Mar24Written by:
2010/03/24 07:46 AM 
Content is NOT the most important part of your blog post.
What’s the most important part of your blog post? Many will say Content. But I will disagree. Why? Because before people read your content they have to go through your headline. Your title has to entice them to read your content.
Many bloggers can write killer content, but really suck when it comes to writing headlines. I’m one of them who struggles a little with headlines. Trying to make them short, sticky, eye catching and inviting.
Words ain’t easy
It’s all in the words you use. Choose the wrong words, and your excellent post goes un-noticed. Choose the right words and your average post goes viral.
Choose some good adjectives. Words that are outrageous in describing something phenomenal and fantastic. Then use a thesaurus to get some more.
Carry on doing this until you develop a map of some very powerful adjectives that you can use in your headline and title that will attract your readers.
Here are some words that will enhance your title and make it almost impossible to ignore. Find ways to use them in your blog post title next time you write.
Advanced Amazing Astronomical Awful Best Big Brilliant Clever Colossal Courageous Crazy Creative Creepy Damaged Dangerous Delicious Delightful Easy Enchanting Encouraging Energizing Enthusiastic Evil Excellent Exceptional Excited Expensive Exuberant Famous Fantastic Fierce Free Fresh Frightening Gigantic Glorious Great Guaranteed High-quality Hilarious Hot Huge Immense Impossible Improved Incredible Intelligent Joyous Killer Large Latest Mammoth Massive Mega Mind-blowing Modern Mysterious New Numerous Obnoxious Outrageous Outstanding Perfect Phenomenal Pleasant Powerful Proud Proven Pure Quality Quick Quick Instant Relieved Repulsive Ridiculous Scary Secrets Selfish Serious Significant Splendid Stellar Substantial Successful Sure Talented Tasteless Tense Terrible Thoughtless Tremendous Troubled Ultimate Unreal Vast Victorious Vivacious Wicked Wonderful Zany Zealous What words can you add? Which ones would you leave out.
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