Modem Hacker Virus. Auto-Dialer Virus.
Jan27Written by:
2009/01/27 02:14 PM
Most viruses out there are not that dangerous or malicious. Most also are aimed at attacking corporate and business networks. Also Most do not cost the average man in the street anything but time and frustration.
It is not often that a virus will actual cost someone money, let alone thousands. But recently a friend of mine was caught out by such a virus. Admittedly it is an older virus, but still.
It has been called the modem hacker virus or Auto-Dialler Virus. Basically code is installed onto the PC, which then dials out to international numbers if you have a modem installed. This is normally done at night with the hope that all are asleep. It also shuts of the modem sound of the speaker when it connects, so that you are not alerted to anything strange going on.
Apparently, this virus has been dialling a number in Belgium. Most likely a porn pay site or gambling site or something of that sort. Normally these institutions would charge huge amounts to your phone bill and claim that back at a later stage. But even if it is not that sort of site, the point is that it is an international number being dialled. Over R1500 rand was used in call charges in just three days. Who knows how long this has been going on for. Yes I know, it's his fault that he does not have a regular anti virus installed. But there you go.
For more information, check out this site.
So my question is, has any one else been caught by this, or something similar? Do you run anti-virus regularly? If so, which one do you prefer or use?
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