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The ABC's of Blogging


Written by:
2010/05/19 01:21 PM RssIcon

ABC of blogging

Blogging can be real fun and rewarding if you follow some simple rules. Perhaps they are not so much rules than characteristics. Applying them to your blog will ensure success.

Attention, Anticipation, Attitude

Your blog needs to attract the attention of your readers. Real them in, get them interested in the topic you are writing about. Once you have them reading your post, keep their attention by providing great anticipation for each point leading on to the next.

How to get Attention?

How to provide anticipation

  • Short descriptive paragraphs
  • Scannable post
  • Enticing paragraph headlines
  • Sub points
  • Asking questions

Then make sure your attitude is correct. Why are you posting this post? Are you truing to fulfil a need, answer a question, reach out to your readers. Believe me when I say this, readers can glean you attitude from the way you right.

Be sure you exude positiveness (if there is such a word), an attitude of helpfulness, and an excitement about your topic that is contagious.

Be Bold, Be Beneficial

It’s your blog and your post. Make sure you know exactly what you are talking about and more. Then be bold about your statements.
This creates an attitude of respect as you come across as a respected guru in your chosen niche.

But be careful, don’t overdo it. You do not want to be seen as arrogant, as a person who thinks they are above the rest and one who cannot do anything wrong.

People want to follow a wise guru, they don't want to follow someone with a God complex.

Then consider how you can be of benefit to your audience. How will your post help them? How will you be able to make their day better? People will not read your post if they find no benefit for themselves.

Content, Content, Content, Creativity, Community, Collaborate

If you’ve read it once you’ve read it a thousand times on this blog. Content is King. Without good quality content, your blog is an orgy of mindless words that achieve zilch.

Concentrate on delivering good quality content.  Be creative, try to be different from all the other blogs in your niche. Come up with new ideas, new types of posts. Vary your writing. Do tutorials, then list posts, surveys, questionnaires, interviews, etc.

Remember your community. Build them up, your blog is meant for them. When writing a post, try to envisage who you are writing this for, who will benefit from it.

Then don’t forget to collaborate with your readers as well as with other bloggers. Reply to as many comments as you can. Answer their questions. See how you can aid and help others. Start reading other blogs and comment by adding value to each of their posts. Promote their blogs in whatever meaningful way you can.


So do you now think blogging is easy. Well it might not seem to be. But in fact it is actually difficult, hard, and time consuming if you do it right. The question is are you doing it right?

Can you add any more important points or processes that I might have missed out. Love to read your thoughts in the comments below.

ABC Block by Michael Goodin

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