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Web Developers Carnival - May 17, 2010 Edition


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2010/05/23 08:36 AM RssIcon


Welcome to the May 17, 2010 edition of web developers.

Mary Killelea presents Google, Bing, and Yahoo?s Most Searched Terms posted at Portland SEO, saying, "Portland SEO Mary Killelea of Working Web Solutions shares the latest news, tips and seo pitfalls for business owners as well as developers."

Melissa Seyfried presents 5 Excellent iPhone Apps for Health & Medical Reference posted at Schools for Ultrasound Technician, saying, "In today’s incredibly technologically advanced world, the iPhone has become one of the best resources for Health and Medical students or professionals."

Alvaro Cramton presents Top 50 Computer Science Blogs posted at Masters in Computer Science, saying, "The following blogs exhibit life in the computer science field, from blogs for beginners to complex theoretical blogs that can challenge the best minds in this field."

John Laugherton presents 10 Essential Webtools for Healthcare Professionals posted at Radiography School, saying, "Here are 10 websites that provide useful web tools for those professionals working in the healthcare field"

Engelbert Hudson presents 25 Excellent iPad Apps for Scripture Study posted at Masters in Divinity, saying, "All world religions have scriptures that are studied by a multitude of scholars and believers. These excellent iPad apps can help tremendously with scripture study."

Dallas Burrows presents 5 Excellent iPad Apps for Your Health and Wellness posted at BSN to MSN, saying, "Out of the myriad of applications that will be released in the coming months, here is a first look at five iPad applications to ensure your health and happiness."

Blake Willson presents 6 Essential Android Apps for Health Professionals posted at Master of Science in Nursing, saying, "Every tool you need in your healthcare career can be at your fingertips if you have an Android Smartphone. Google’s Android platform works with an ever-increasing number of smartphones, including the T-Mobile G1. If your phone has Android, be sure to check out these applications that will make your life and work a lot easier."

Jas presents Java Servlet posted at Random Articles.

Diane Laine presents 5 Twitter Users Every Info Junkie Should Follow posted at Master of Health Informatics, saying, "We've come up with a list of 5 twitter users every info junkie should be following. These twitterers update their accounts often and will always have some of the best breaking stories out there."


Melissa Seyfried presents 25 Creative Healthcare Gadgets That Are Changing the World posted at Masters in Health Care, saying, "You can use any number of creative gadgets to monitor your health, remind you to engage in healthy behaviors, and helping you know when to adjust your habits. Some of these gadgets are even quite affordable, making it possible for someone with almost any salary to use high technology to improve health."

Tisha Dotson presents What Doctors Want You to Know About the Web posted at Nurse Practitioner Schools.

Alex Carson presents 100 Inspiring Ways to Use Social Media In the Classroom posted at

Olivia Coleman presents 100 Awesome Blogs for All-Natural Moms posted at Nursing School Search Blog.

Brian Terry presents 14,200 Open Source Website Templates posted at Big Selling Website Design.

Jas presents FAQs related to Application Server, JMS posted at Random Articles.

Edward Phillips presents 100 Intro Open Courses on Everything You?ve Ever Wanted to Learn posted at Best Colleges Online.


freesoftware presents CodeLobster: Free IDE for PHP coding and PHP Debugging | I Love Free Software posted at I Love Free Software, saying, "CodeLobster is a free IDE that lets you write and debug PHP code. CodeLobster also supports HTML, CSS, SQ, Wordpress, Drupal, and Joomla."

yonit gruber-hazani presents Free Wordpress Theme Builder | linux server howto posted at

yonit gruber-hazani presents Improving Your WebSite Performance posted at

Web 2.0

Sell It on the Web presents 7 Tips for Creating Unique Content That Doesn’t Suck posted at Sell It on the Web, saying, "Tips and advice on how to create the most unique and compelling content on a regular basis."

Jennifer Kingsley presents 7 Twitter Users Every MD Should Follow posted at Healthcare Administration Programs, saying, "Twitter has become the most popular ‘micro-blogging’ website on the internet today. Since its introduction on the web, it has exploded onto the internet scene in a massive way now with many different medical professionals utilizing the site in order to not only follow other medical professionals, but to follow colleagues, even patients, and gain a bigger perspective of the medical world."

Leonard Gilhooley x presents 5 Sites With Free & Interesting X-Ray Photos posted at MRI Technician Schools, saying, "You may be looking for x-ray images because you use them in your chosen field or you might just be looking for them because they’re cool. Either way, these 5 sites can show you some free and interesting x-ray photos."

Israel Baline presents 5 Social Media Sites for Healthcare Professionals posted at MS in Nursing, saying, "Social networking sites are an important aspect of delivering proper health care. Interaction with patients, colleagues and other working professionals is a must in trying to stay on top of an ever changing field. Social networking is crucial to furthering one’s career and education."

Angelita Williams presents 10 Badass College Marching Bands On YouTube posted at

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of web developers using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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