South Africa Had The First Wireless Network.
Jun3Written by:
2010/06/03 10:05 PM 
So the news got out that archaeologists in the USA found some copper cabling on one of their expeditions.
This was rather surprising as it was in a strata of rock that was rather dated. At a depth where it was believed that stone aged people originated. It should not have been there.
Conflicted, the scientist debated for many days and came to the conclusion that ancient Americans must have been very advanced as they must have used the copper cabling for things like communication and data networking.
The American scientists were suitably impressed with themselves.
Not to be outdone by the Americans, the British started digging in an effort to find copper cabling at a depth that beat the Americans. This would signify that it was the British who were the superior beings way back then.
After many months of digging, they soon passed the stated depths of the Americans. A month later, way, way past that original depth they found what looked like shards of glass hair.
After further investigation they concluded that it was fibre-optic. This put some Royal pride into the British as it was then clear that they were far superior because many thousands of years before the copper cabling was invented, the British had fibre optic networks.
Then South Africa, who claimed to be the cradle of mankind, were not going to be outdone.
Alongside the Sterkfontein caves they started digging. After six months they had passed the American depth. But to their disappointment they had not found anything of significance.
A year and a half later, they had passed the British depth. But still, no cabling, no technology. Not to be outdone, they carried on digging.
After two and a half years of digging the South Africans came up with squat, nada, nothing.
At a press release they were beaming with excitement as though they had some fantastic news.
They declared that they were more advanced than the Americans, and more advanced than the British. Because after two and a half years of digging they found absolutely nothing.
Asked by a reporter how this was possible, they replied, “Well way back before the Americans , and before the British, South Africa had wireless networking, making us the superior nation.”
Enjoy. Viva South Africa.
Image - Wessex Archaeology
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