Put your FIFA 2010 Soccer World Cup Photos onto Google's Street View
Jun11Written by:
2010/06/11 09:49 AM
I have a challenge for you. Put your FIFA 2010 Soccer World Cup photos onto Google Street View.
In a previous blog post about Using the FIFA 2010 Soccer World Cup to Drive Traffic to Your Site, I spoke about Google’s Street View coming to South Africa. What a wonderful achievement. But there is more.
User Contributed Images.
Back in February 2009 a new feature that Google introduced lets you browse popular user-contributed photos from Panoramio at major landmarks around the world. This is available anywhere where Street View is available and where users have contributed lots of photographs.
With imagery collected by special cameras mounted a top specially equipped vehicles you can view maps and places like never before. Atop that you can now view user contributed photos of many of the most popular locations around the world.
This will allow you to explore virtually at a level that is inaccessible by Google.
Not only can you explore user photos, but Google has also taken some photos and overlaid them onto the original Google Street View Photo. Giving you a new perspective of the scene.
Imagine having a group photo by the Eiffel Tower that is overlaid on the Google Street View Image for all to see.
Want to see a particular destination at night, there might be a user contributed photo that will do just that.
Check out these user contributed pictures and overlays of the Notre Dame Cathedral. Click the image to experience the full functionality.
Google’s LatLong Blog post, Explore more with user photos in street view, explains more. As well as Googles LatLong Blog post on overlays, Seeing new sites with photo overlays.
The challenge
Google has taken some nice panoramic view of the major FIFA 2010 Soccer World Cup Stadiums. Take a look at Soccer City. Notice the user contributed photo icon on the top right. Click on that to see user contributed photos. (You will have to physically go to Google Maps to see the use contributed photo functionality, here at Soccer City Street View)
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But the only problem with that is that the stadium is bare. Here is my challenge. Why not take all you picture of the FIFA 2010 Soccer World Cup, post them to Panoramio and have Google Fill the stadiums with your pictures.
If you have the luxury and privilege of touring South Africa during the FIFA 2010 Soccer World Cup, why not do the same. Post your pictures of popular tourist destinations around the country onto Panoramio, and give the rest of the world a sniff of what the excitement is like.
So come on people of the world. Take you photo’s, your tour photos, your FIFA 2010 Soccer World Cup photos and put them up onto Panaromio and let the world see through your eyes. Remember to Geo-Tag your pictures.
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