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15 Reasons Why I Love Blogging


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2010/07/16 08:27 AM RssIcon

A guest post by Jimi Jones

15 Reasons Why I hate Blogging

Pay it forward

15 reasons One of the things I enjoy about blogs is the opportunity to cruise through the archives and find older post, then breathe a little new life into them by countering or adding to the topic.

In this post we reference the previously posted 15 Reasons Why I Hate Blogging, one of Robert’s many great thought provoking offerings.

By the way, if you know Robert you’ll surely know that he in no way hates blogging, in fact, just the opposite.

So let’s move on to my 15 Reasons Why I Love Blogging.

1. The Power of Publishing – A blog is a very powerful and effective publishing tool that allows you to spread your message to people on a global level. You can accomplish this with less effort and expense than would be required to spread your message within your residential community.

2. Networking – To be a successful blogger you must build a network of individuals who share many of your ideals and common goals. Notwithstanding the great friendships, the other benefits are too numerous to list here, but it is surely one of the more enjoyable aspects of the blogging experience. The resulting relationships that are built are invaluable.

3. Creativity – Blogging allows for an unlimited amount of creativity and expression, providing an outlet for one’s talents and opinions.

4. Build Your Business Brand – Blogging allows you to build your business and enhance your brand, informing people of what you represent and providing needed products and services.

5. Build Client Loyalty – Potential and current clients will look to you for your expertise, insight and solutions to problems the need solved. When you provide the product, they will buy.

6. The Continual Learning Experience – There is nothing more challenging and more rewarding online than the required learning of new technologies, techniques and tools used to communicate, produce and conduct business. The internet continues to evolve at a rate of speed that makes it necessary to continually learn new skills, something that I fully embrace and love to do.

7. Make The World a Better Place – By contributing to the overall blogging community and paying it forward, always willing to help others advance their causes we can collectively make the world a more positive environment. Perhaps someday, much of the positive energy that is shared online will trickle out into the offline world, where there is much to be accomplished.

8. The Challenge of Being Found By Google – No one knows what the algorithms are for being found on Google and the other search engines, but it sure is fun trying to break the code. It seems to be a game that continuously changes the rules, but there is just something attractive about reaching a high ranking.

9. RSS Feeds – A fantastic way to gather articles from your favourite blogs in one place, making it quite convenient to stay updated on sites you love to read.

10. Build Trust – When you blog regularly and over a considerable amount of time, people come to know and trust you. This is not only a part of the branding process but a major part of relationship building, which outweighs branding in my opinion.

11. Improve Your Writing Skills – Like anything practiced for a long period of time, you will become better at the craft. There are definite advantages to honing your writing skills, not the least of which is the possibility of other opportunities being presented to you.

12. Enhance Your Discipline – Blogging demands a high degree of discipline, changing your lifestyle virtually overnight. There are schedules to maintain and content to produce and enhancing this element of your personal development is a huge plus.

13. Document Your Thoughts – Blogging, as originally intended, documents your thoughts on a particular topic and covers a period of time for the life of the blog. This then becomes a valuable document, similar to a diary that can be looked back upon.

14. Gain Market Position – It’s likely that your niche has other players who have been blogging for a longer period of time than you, so there would be much work to do in order to gain a position within that niche. The challenge and subsequent success can be quite rewarding, bring a tremendous sense of pride.

15. We Get To Hear from Folks Like You – It’s your turn to speak out and add to the conversation, which is yet another reason why I love blogging. Comments are a tremendously valuable element of the overall experience. Everyone has a voice and I often learn quite a bit from comments. Thank you in advance for those you’ll leave below.

Might there be a favourite reason that you would like to add, detailing why you love blogging?

About the Author:

Jimi JonesJimi Jones from is an Internet Entrepreneur who uses tools and strategies to build  his business and develop an online lifestyle. His focus is Creative Branding and Online Business Startups.
Follow @JimiJones on Twitter.


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