10 Blog post ideas for this December, Christmas Season
Dec6Written by:
2010/12/06 08:16 AM 
Well it has crept up upon us once again. Yes, that’s right, it’s December, and Christmas. It’s that time of the year when everybody is getting into the festive and holiday Christmas spirit. In doing so, your mind goes blank on posts to write, you’re not in the mood, you can’t find appropriate topics to write about.
Despite it being a relatively low period for production. It is actually a great time for you and your blog to take advantage of. It’s Christmas time, people all over are looking for great ideas.
Well here are some ideas for blog posts this Christmas, this December.
- Christmas theme - Write about how to take advantage of the Christmas season by changing your blog theme to a festive Christmas theme.
- Products, gadgets and gift ideas – Write about some of the great products and gift ideas for this Christmas. Things that you like, things that you want.
- Photo’s – Get a Christmas photo and write about it. How it inspires you? Why you enjoy Christmas so much?
- Time to give – Write about the Christmas spirit, and how to give this Christmas. To demonstrate that, why not give something away from your blog this Christmas.
- Review a Christmas blog – Write a review about a specific Christmas blog or website. What you like about it, what you don’t.
- Christmas list – This is a great one. Create a Christmas list, and encourage others to do so as well. Perhaps even post their list in your comments.
- Interview Santa – Write a post where you (if you could) interview Santa. Find out the types of gifts this year that would be great and have the same theme as your blog niche.
- Answer a question – Answer a question about Christmas. Invite others to ask more. How would you answer them?
- Christmas recipes – A favourite, everyone is looking for that special recipe this Christmas. Why not share a few of your favourites.
- World Events – What's happening around you, around the world this December, this Christmas. Why not write about that. What's your take on the situation.
There are so many ideas and things to write about. You should be busy this whole December/Christmas period, and more for a few guest posts as well.
Why not share some of your post ideas for this Christmas and December period.
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