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How To Establish A Command Presence Through Your Blog


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2010/12/09 08:24 AM RssIcon

Roman-Soldier Do you want people to read your blog? Do you want them to respect what you write? Do you want them to apply what they read and learn. Then you have to establish a command presence in the blogsphere through your blog.

What is command presence?

Command presence is essentially presenting yourself as someone in authority, trusted and respected. This is partially done through the message conveyed by how you LOOK, how you CARRY YOURSELF, how you ACT, and how you SPEAK.

Command presence  is simply a set of attributes that causes people to view you as a natural leader. It causes them to believe that you are worthy to be followed and obeyed and trusted.

Command presence has got to do with confidence and not arrogance.

In order to have command presence through your blog you have to be in control of a few things.

  • Yourself – Know yourself. Know your limits. Know your strengths.
  • Knowledge – Be factually and technically sound.
  • Be current – Keep up to date with current information.
  • Responsibility – Be responsible for what you write. Don’t get caught up with trivial matters.
  • Stand firm – Stand by what you say. Stand for the truth. Command the truth.
  • Be flexible – Things and time change. Be flexible to change as well.

Your Image

Command presence has a lot to do with how you present yourself. Remember first impressions are lasting ones, in both your personal life as well as your blog.

Taking pride in the way you look commands presence. Taking pride in the way your blog looks does the same.

Make sure that your blog portrays that respect and command presence by the way it looks. Have the right theme, the right colours.  Make sure that it is easy to navigate. Make sure that when people come to your blog that they are taken back by the shear brilliance of it’s simplicity.

When people first land on your blog or website they need to know within a few moments what you are all about. They should be able to understand that you are in total control, that you know what you are talking about.

The image that your blog portrays will determine whether you have command presence in the blogosphere.

Your message

What you say and what you talk about as well as how you go about that determines whether you have command presence.  In your personal life your speech is another aspect of command presence.

In you blog, what you write and how you write it will give you command presence or make you the laughing stock of the blogosphere.

Be confident in what you say. Believe in what you write about. Show and exercise a sense of passion about your niche. But don’t come off as being arrogant.

Write about what you know. Command presence has a lot to do about knowledge. Leaders are often shoved into that role because of their great knowledge and their ability to share that knowledge in any given situation so that any particular problem can be solved.

Be factual. Don’t lie. Facts and knowledge go hand in hand. If people find out that what you present is not the whole truth, you lose all credibility.

You have to instil confidence in your readership. They will come to respect you, follow you by what you write.

Your behaviour

Command presence is much about image and message as it is about behaviour. How you react in any given situation.

It has also got to do with the company that you keep. Who you hang around with.

As a blogger this is so important. What is your behaviour on the internet and in the blogosphere? Do you often visit other bloggers? Do you hang around blogs and comment on them in the same niche as yours?

Do you offer help to those who are struggling? Do you promote others as much as you promote yourself and your blog? If a blogger wants command presence and respect, that cannot be ordered, it is earned.

Do you blog with intent? Do you have a passion for your subject, niche or topic? Do you have a passion for your readers?  Do you read their comments and most importantly do you reply? Do you respect your readers?

Your behaviour amongst other bloggers determines whether you have command presence or not.


So do you have command presence? Why not? You only have yourself to blame.

What about other bloggers whom you have come into contact with, do they have command presence. Who are they? Please let us know?

What do you think? Think you will be able to apply these points and command respect and authority through your blog.

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