31 Blog Post Ideas for January To Get You Started This New Year
Jan3Written by:
2011/01/03 08:03 AM
That's right, it’s another new year. Looking at the year ahead, one gets anxious at the thought of coming up with 365, or however many you decide, blog posts for the year ahead.
How many New Years resolutions have you made? How many goals have you set for your blog? Have you planned any blog posts yet?
A good successful blog comes about with good planning. So this year I want you and I to succeed at that.
Blogging is a journey. It is an adventure. Are you ready for that this year? Why not come with me on this journey this year?
If you do come with us on this journey, I guarantee you a few things.
- Your blogging will improve
- You will lean new things
- You will teach others
- You will make friends and followers
- You will have fun
- You will stumble
- You will succeed
So to start this adventure and journey out, we are going to brainstorm some blog post ideas. You don’t have to use these exact ideas, get some of your own if you wish. Perhaps you might even share them with us.
But the point is that it’s a start. It gives one a sense of structure and also a feeling of being in control.
What I am going to do is that every month we are going to set out a bunch of blog posts for that month.
31 Blog post ideas
So here goes, here are 31 blog post ideas for January.
- Predictions for the year, where is blogging or your niche going this year
- Why you love blogging. What drew you to blog and specifically this blogging niche.
- Write a top 10 list post about your niche or blog.
- Write a post for beginners in your niche.
- Promote another blogger or blog in your niche.
- Pose a question that you don’t know the answer to. Ask for possible solutions
- Write about some technology that makes you’re blogging life easier.
- Write about some new technology in your niche.
- What you love or hate about Facebook
- What you love or hate about Twitter
- 10 Things you hate about your industry or niche
- Create a post that solves a problem in your niche
- Write a post that debunks a myth in your industry or niche
- Write a short post. Write a post in less than 50 words.
- Write a post on how your blog, your niche or industry has changed over the last year.
- Write a post about your most popular post last year. Review what made it so popular.
- Write a funny post.
- Introduce a new/young blogger in your niche. Link to their blog. Collaborated with each blog’s author
- Write about 10 most common things people aught to know about your industry or blog niche.
- Write a post using a photo as the main content.
- Analyse and review your favourite blog. Email or message the author, informing him/her about your post.
- Explain how social media can benefit your niche or industry
- Why and how did you first get interested in your blog topic or industry. Why you like it so much
- Write about a mistake you have made in the past, and how you learned from it
- Write a post that goes against popular opinion in your niche.
- Create a list of the best bloggers in your industry.
Your thoughts and ideas
Well the title is 31 blog posts for January, but have only written down 25. Is it a mistake in the title have I forgotten something?
The answer is no. I want you to come up with five of your own blog post ideas for January. Then share them with us. This way, my title will not be incorrect or misleading.
Leave your 5 blog post ideas in the comments below.
Happy blogging, happy new year, and enjoy the ride.
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