Today We Mourn The Death Of A Great Blogger
Oct21Written by:
2011/10/21 12:57 PM
Today we mourn the death of a great blogger. Their blog showed so much potential. The blog started of like a bomb. Everyone was excited. Yet here we are, at this sad time. Their potential was not yet realised.
Who is this famous blogger that died. Well sad to say that it is you. You as a blogger, and your blog will die, if you do not follow these simple rules.
1. Write Quality Content
This has been hammered over and over again. Content is King. Without Content, there is nothing to read. With nothing to read, no readers will come. With no readers, your blog might as well be dead.
2. Engage your readers
Blogging is all about the reader. It is about engaging with that reader. It is about getting into their mind and touching their heart. It is about stirring their spirit and changing their thoughts.
Engage your readers, reply to their comments. Make them feel at home.
3. Create a unique blog
This is a difficult one, but a rather important one. With so many blogs out there, what makes your blog any different to the others. Why should I, as a reader, come to your blog as opposed to one of the other thousands out there in a similar niche.
Make your blog unique. Do what others do, but do it differently.
4. Don’t belittle or criticise your readers
Although your blog is your platform, and that you are entitled to say or do what you want, the biggest way of killing your blog is to insult your readers.
Treat your readers with respect and honour. They are your blogs life blood.
5. Have a great blog design
If your blog is not pleasing to the eye and attractive to look at, then no one will, well, want to look at it. It’s amazing how the look and feel can either make or break a blog.
Hopefully these tips accurately describe your blog. If not you should really take it to heart. Make the changes.
Can you add any more points that might kill a blog? Leave your comments below. Much appreciated.
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