What’s The Most Popular Programming Language?
Apr29Written by:
2013/04/29 01:29 PM 
Finding out what the most popular programming language is and or what the trend is will put you in good stead whether you are staring out or a seasoned programmer.
Finding what the latest trends are is also a good investigative method when planning a new project. This will give you a good indication as to what is available, what others are using, as well as what the long term trends are. The last thing you want is to use a language that might be the in thing today, but completely falls off the cliff into the programming black hole tomorrow.
Tiobe is a popular site for ranking programming languages. Tiobe bases its rankings on world-wide availability of skilled engineers, courses and third party vendors. Rankings are not about the best programming language or the language in which most lines of code have been written. Tiobe uses Google, MSN and Yahoo! search engines to measure the Web "chatter" and hence the popularity of each programming language.Below is their latest list, as of this writing, ranked by popularity, of the most popular programming languages in use.
I did a post previously, in 2009, on the most popular programming language. The most interesting thing to note is the rise of Objective C. This is probably attributed to everything iPhone and iPad, and the apps and games for such. The other interesting thing is the drop of such popular languages as PHP, Visual Basic and Python. Also note the steady rise of C#. But still the kings of the pile and jostling for top honours are still C, C++ and Java.
Would the likes of these trends actually influence you in your programming language decision, or are you still fixed in your ways?
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Re: What’s The Most Popular Programming Language?
So commonly over looked and THAT is why your articles are so useful.
regards, Scott / zzzyber@gmail.com / www.forumrunner.netau.net By NixSec on
2013/12/16 10:36 AM