Make your blog posts go viral – Ride the success wave of others.
Apr21Written by:
2009/04/21 08:39 AM 
Want to get oodles and oodles of traffic? Want instant gratification? Want to see your blog posts soar in traffic ranking? Then you have to get your posts to go viral. But what if you just can’t do that. Well then do the next best thing. Ride on the back of someone else.
Whatever it is that you are trying to do with your blog, making your blog viral is a sure fire way to be recognized and gain success.
Viral Blogging unlike traditional viruses we avoid actually helps you get the word out. If you can make your blog go viral, marketing isn’t even something that you will have to work for. With viral blogging, the promotional aspect of maintaining a blog is taken care of by itself. However, creating a blog that spreads like a virus is no easy work. As anything else this requires time and patience but once achieved this virus will help you climb the success ladder in no time.
But sometimes you are just impatient. In this world of always instant, we want instant success, instant gratification. Although that is not true in real life, we can taste this success when we ride the success wave of someone else.
This applies to blogging as well. How can I get my blog post to go viral by piggy-backing on someone else? Well the easiest thing to do is to scan the news, forums, blogs, YouTube videos, and then write an article regarding that specific topic. Get in on the action. Write a post that expands on the topic, or contradicts it. Write a post that agrees with the subject matter, or take a different point of view.
In recent months I have had a few posts go viral by using just this method. I found a controversial news item, and a feel good item. Blogged about them. Making sure I got all the key word phrases correct. Posted it. In no time, my traffic spiked. In fact the latest one has spiked for the last four days. Amazing.
My first viral post was about so called hologram technology reported by CNN. Read it at CNN Hologram – Real or Fake
The other one I want to bring to your attention is actually in the news at the moment. It is Susan Boyle. Yes, the internet Superstar. Susan Boyle, 48, Auditioned on Britain's Got Talent, and instantly was catapulted into stardom. Read my post: 48 Year old Susan Boyle - Internet Superstar.
Both these examples were big in international news, had huge hits and views on YouTube, had a large number of blog posts about them. Yet I was able to have my traffic spike when I blogged about these subjects.
The interesting thing though is that in the case of the Susan Boyle post, I only blogged about it four days after the event, and yet it still took off. Imagine if I had gotten in on the beginning. This though, is an exception rather than the rule.
How many of your blog posts have ever gone viral? Have you ever been able to ride the success wave of others?
blog comments powered by 2 comment(s) so far...
Re: Make your blog posts go viral – Ride the success wave of others.
Interesting concept Robert
and good example of your strategy
i have never tried anything like this before so cant comment on it. but it seems to be working for you so one must try it.
By Sunil Pathak on
2009/04/22 09:30 AM
Re: Make your blog posts go viral – Ride the success wave of others.
Thanks for the post. I am the view that we need to do everything legal and legit we can to drive traffic to our sites. Write about what people want. There is nothing wrong with sharing in the success of others. But I think the trick is to find the right news worthy topic, then jump on it. Not easy in and of itself. By Robert Bravery on
2009/04/22 10:12 AM