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Is Blogging Dead?


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2010/02/08 08:01 AM RssIcon

gravestone An article written on News24 poses the question: “Is Blogging Dead?”. The premise of the post is based on a study which highlighted  the fact that young people are losing interest in long-form blogging, as their communication habits have become increasingly brief, and mobile.

Old vs New

Remember the old CB (Citizen Band) radio, and ham (amateur)radio. A two way radio often used by police and emergency personnel that enabled people to communicate over long distances without the need of a wired telephone. For the most part an inexpensive way of communication.

The art is still practiced but many prefer to use the modern form of technology called the cellular or mobile phone. Which not only is able to communicate via audio but also via text, video and other forms of communication.

Remember the old Typewriter. A wireless keyboard with built-in printer. Replaced by the modern computer and laser printer.

The absence of these two technologies have not stopped people from communicating with each other or writing. In fact both have increased exponentially.

Technology might change but the prime form of communication and expression still remains,whether you’re using drums or a cell phone, a quill or a blog. The art of communicating remains the same.

Just because there is a new micro blogging platform, a new social network or a new collaboration service does not mean that people are going to give up communicating. So we might not call it blogging anymore

Different strokes.

The study mentioned in the News24 article suggested that people are opting for the smaller, micro-blogging platforms such as the social network services like Twitter, Friendfeed, Facebook.

One cannot really compare a blog to a micro blog platform. Both are so different, with completely different functionality. They are aimed at a specific form of functionality and blossom when used correctly. Both forms of self expression can be used very effectively side by side. In fact they actually complement each other.

Use the write tool for the right job.

Passion is Dead.

There was a time when blogging was an upcoming phenomenon and a prestigious past time. Then blogging became main stream, and so many people got passionate about writing, blogging and self expression.

Now every Tom, Dick and Jane, who did not have to be a recognised author or journalist could write and express themselves. There was a sudden influx of blogs.

But that seems to have died down. There are millions of blogs out there which are not updated regularly if at all. Stagnant dead blogs.

The passion of the blogger has died. Not the medium. as bloggers we need to encourage and instil passion. Bloggers don’t see the need to blog. They do not see the benefit.

Blogging is not dead, its the passion that is.

Time is dead.

We have 24 hours in a day. Gone are the days when you can sit around the table feeling bored. Wondering what to do.

There is so little time yet so much to do. Blogging, unlike the short 140 character Social Networking and micro-blogging platforms, takes a lot of hard work.

Those who started blogging by their thousands soon found out that there was the need to commit time to this in order to make it work. They soon realised that they could not or did not want to commit the extra time and effort. Therefore their blog died.

How can we as bloggers help and encourage those to find the time and be more productive.

The allusion is dead.

Soon we got to know celebrity bloggers such as Darren Rowse from Problogger, Chris Brogan, David Risley, etc. These guys were and are earning big bucks. The allure of easy, quick, and lots of money was a very strong force.

But soon to realise that getting rich blogging or even making a living out of it is not an every day occurrence.

Soon the allusion of all this money dies, bloggers give up and then turn to the next get rich quick scheme. Their blog dies adding fuel to the “blogging is dead” fire.

I am so sick and tired of all the posts and blogs that promote how you can get rich and earn big money blogging like it is just there for the picking.

Yes you can earn money blogging, and yes you can actually make a living blogging. But it is not as easy nor as common as you might think. There requires a lot of hard work, time and patience.

The purpose is dead.

Why do you blog?

There are many reasons why people blog or start blogging One is to be social and part of a community. Another is to focus on a niche and essentially treat it as a media and knowledge website.

Another is to communicate and share interests, yet another is a way of self expression.

But whatever the reason for blogging, you have to ask the question, has that changed. Why do you blog now.

The reason so many blogs are dead is because people have lost the purpose of blogging, the reason why they started it all. They soon lose interest, their blog dies.

Blogging is not dead it’s that people have lost their purpose and focus.

Blogging is not dead.

I, and perhaps millions of others, still believe that blogging is an effective form of communication and self expression. No my friend blogging is not dead.

"Blogging is actually a quite involved form of self-expression. It takes a lot of time and effort," says Eszter Hargittai, an associate professor of communications studies at Northwestern University.

Blogging is Social. It’s about building communities, about networking. It’s about being social primarily. If your blog does not have a social aspect to it. Then yes it might be dead.

If you as a blogger do not have passion, or you can’t find the time to blog. Then yes blogging is dead.

If you have lost your focus or you starting blogging for the wrong reason, then blogging might be dead to you.

But the good news is that all these hurdles can be overcome and corrected. To make your blog a thriving communication social networking tool that it aught to be.

Your thoughts?

Related Reading:

Why you won’t get rich blogging

35 Ways to fail at blogging.

What is the meaning of blogging?

The Beautiful Art of Blogging

7 Reasons why you should quit blogging

What is blogging all about?

How to become a better blogger?

10 Blogging mistakes to avoid.

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