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Is blogging a calling or a career?


Written by:
2010/03/02 08:06 AM RssIcon

discernment Why do you blog? There are so many reasons why people blog. Have you ever asked yourself that very same question. The reason for this post is really for me to get an idea as to why you blog. In particular I am interested if you think that blogging is a calling for you.

Image author unknown.

What is a calling?

A calling is not merely a job or a profession, but often time it means your highest purpose on earth. Not everyone has a calling or is in a job or doing something that they believed they are called to do. Does this mean that everyone else is doomed to live a mediocre life of quiet desperation? Absolutely Not!

A calling is often used in terms of a vocation, an occupation that you are specifically drawn towards. Often associated with religious position like pastors or Sunday school teachers, or a humanitarian positions like doctors, nurses and teachers.

The question though is, can you put blogging into that same category? Is blogging a calling for you. Are you drawn to it? Is it a vocation?

Many have said that if you find your calling in life you will have a job but never work a day in your life.

The difference

Is there a difference between a calling and a career? Well there certainly is. Some points can be a bit vague and even apply to both sides, but there is a difference.


  • You have always been interested in blogging
  • You love what you do.
  • You immerse yourself in your blog just for fun.
  • Blogging is fun not a burden
  • You have a passion about blogging that others cannot explain.
  • You talk about blogging or your blog in an affirmative way getting others excited  by your passion.
  • You would blog for little or no money.
  • You could see yourself doing nothing else.
  • It’s more than just a hobby.
  • You want to make a difference in the world / cyberspace.
  • You want to enrich peoples lives.


  • You’re just in it for the money.
  • You chose blogging for prestige or power or financial gain or some other perk.
  • You would easily do something else if it paid more for less work.
  • It’s just an 8 hour job.
  • You do not think about it all the time.
  • You do it to enrich your own life first and foremost. What others do with it is their problem as long as you get paid.
  • You sometimes wake up in the morning wish you could do something else.


What is blogging to you? Is it a career or a calling? Is there a difference, yes! Is one better than the other. No. All it does is change your perspective on what  and how you blog. For example, you can have passion for your blogging career, but the passion is different to someone that feels that they are called to blogging.

Related Reading:

What is the meaning of blogging?

The Beautiful Art of Blogging

7 Reasons why you should quit blogging

What is blogging all about?

10 Things I wish I knew and did before I started blogging

I would be interested to hear your thoughts on this. How do you consider your blogging, as a Calling or career.

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