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It’s time to be brutally honest


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2010/04/08 08:14 AM RssIcon

It’s all well and good to receive constructive criticism with regards to your blog. But how do you feel about it? It’s your blog.

One of the hardest things in life is to admit that you’re wrong. Now I’m not suggesting that you are wrong. But what I am saying is take a good look at your blog and see where you can improve.

It’s your blog

That’s right, it’s your blog. You know what you want. You know how it should look. You have received lots of advice about blogs and blogging from me and many other bloggers. It’s time to take all that into consideration, keep what you like, throw out what you don’t like, and be brutal.

At the end of the day, you have to be happy with your blog. You have to like what you see.

It’s all about personality

Your blog is yours. It should reflect who you are. It should exude personality, your personality. Readers do not like to see a bland blog, nor do they want to read a carbon copy of someone else's blog.

They come to your blog because it’s different. Because they like your style of writing, because they like what they see.

Now look at your blog and start to take out what you don’t like. Take out those things that do not reflect or represent who you are.

This might sound a bit conflicting. You receive brilliant advice from others, now I’m telling you to do only what you like.

Well consider this. What would be the point of all our blogs looking like Darren Rowse’s blog, or David Risley’s blog.

People want to read your blog. So make it yours.

Be brave not stupid

It’s all well and good to start hacking your blog to pieces. But don’t be stupid and foolish. Don’t go against the wise advice of others.

It’s a skill to take the advice of others, formulate that into something that applies to you and then to go through with your final thoughts.

Be brave, be brutal, but remember to keep to the rules. Realise that red font on a blue background does not work. But if you like red and blue, find other ways to work with it.


At the end of the day you have to be happy with what you got. Then you have to please your readers. Remember that you cannot please everyone all the time. But you can please yourself.

It’s a difficult task to finally produce something that you can be proud of and something that others love as well.

So what do you think you would change in your blog right now? How do you think you can improve it?

Related reading:

What’s so good about your blog?

5 Ways to improve your blog.

How to become a better blogger?

Is your blog presentable and friendly?

10 Blogging mistakes to avoid.

15 Reasons why your blog sucks

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