The Brave Programmer - Blogging and coding
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Diverticulitis, Hospitals and Blogging


Written by:
2011/06/14 09:14 AM RssIcon


You’re wondering what on earth is this all about. I don’t even know how to spell Diverticulitis let alone know what it means.

Well I’ve spent 5 days in hospital in extreme pain with this weird condition.

What is Diverticulitis? Well to explain it simply it is small pouches that form on the large intestine, colon, that get blocked. These blocked pouches then get infected, swell, and could burst. Resulting in extreme pain.

So you’re asking, what’s that got to do with blogging and why are you telling me this? Well read on and you will find out.

Watch out for the symptoms

Our bodies are very clever in telling us what is wrong and when. In fact there are many things that it does without our knowledge that helps to protect us and keep us safe.

But soon enough it gets to a stage were we become ill. Then we cannot function as well as we ought to or want to. We become non productive, irritated and perhaps angry.

Our blogs are very much the same. They often take on a life of their own. But we need to watch out for the symptoms that show us that our blog is in trouble.

It may become slow and sluggish. It may not function as well as it should. In actual fact it might be causing more harm than good.

  1. Have a look at these symptoms and examine your blog.
  2. Quality content is not your primary concern
  3. Too many colours in your blog design
  4. Bad blog design
  5. Excessive outbound links
  6. Too many adverts
  7. You don’t care about your readers
  8. You don’t love what you write
  9. Widget and plug-in crazy
  10. You’re trying to do it all by yourself

Seek professional help

We want to be proud and think that we can take care of ourselves. We want to have that feeling that I can do it all. But sometimes things just get beyond our control.

When that happens we don’t have the knowledge or skill to fix or contain what went wrong.

Then it’s time to seek professional help. Could you imagine what would have happened to me had I not sought medical help.

I first went to the doctor, who then sent me for an ultra sound and a CT scan.

When the results came back, he realised that he could not deal with this by himself so he referred me to a surgeon. The surgeon promptly booked me into hospital and began treating the problem.

As a result 5 days later, I was discharged with a lot less pain and suffering.

If your blog is showing signs of distress, it is not cowardly to seek professional advice. Especially if you want to save your blog and help it to grow to it’s full potential.

Here are a few things that might help you

  1. Find a good web designer. Redesign your blog.
  2. Seek out a good honest SEO consultant to help optimise your blog and post for search engines.
  3. Read other  blogs and learn from the pros.
  4. Find and perhaps transfer your blog to another better ISP.
  5. Transfer your blog over to a better blogging platform
  6. Don’t focus too much on money. Rather focus on quality first. Get rid of some of those adverts.
  7. Get some good bloggers to write some guest posts.
  8. Perhaps seek some guidance from a professional copy writer. At least read up about good writing skills.
  9. Look at or learn from the the marketing gurus.
  10. Listen to your readers and commenters


Don’t be fooled ino believing that you or your blog are in good health. Then when you find a problem don’t be too proud to either fix it or seek out some one who has the right skills to help you.

Have you take my advice? Have you looked at your blog and examined it? What areas can you improve?

Picture source:ReSurge International

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