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SEO Practices
 SEO Practices

Search Engine Optimisation takes time to see results. Here are some best practises when it comes to Search Engine Optimisation:

  • Link building: The process of getting outside links to your website from other relevant sites. This builds your site's authority and helps increase page rank and traffic.
  • Keyword Research: Finding out which words and phrases which are relevant to your industry and which are are getting the most attention from searchers and the least attention from the competition.
  • Content development: Website content that is both search engine- and human-friendly
  • Meta development:  Meta development is included as part of our SEO services.
  • Website Structure: Website structure is important to users as well as Search Engines. Good navigation, well linked pages. Eycatching layout, calls to action are all important to Search Engine Optimisation.
Search Engine Optimization
 Search Engine Optimization


So what is SEO or Search Engine Optimisation?


From Wiki: “Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the volume and quality of traffic to a web site from search engines via "natural" ("organic" or "algorithmic") search results for targeted keywords. Usually, the earlier a site is presented in the search results or the higher it "ranks", the more searchers will visit that site. SEO can also target different kinds of search, including image search, local search, and industry-specific vertical search engines.”

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of analysing your website and modifying it to enable search engines to read it, understand it and index (or catalogue) it correctly. It also helps the search engines to categorise your web site and web page so that it can deliver relevant information to the searchers. This does not necessarily mean rewriting the website or completely changing the look and feel. Visual changes are subtle, adding or modifying text, linking certain pages to others or bolding keywords. Visual changes, like colour, graphics, flash, layout, generally are aimed at pleasing the end user. Search engines do not care about this stuff. They just care about plain text. The aim is to positively manipulate the way search engines read your website. In a nutshell , its helping search engines help searchers, such as yourself, find you and your web site.

Some people may think that web site optimisation (Search Engine Optimization or SEO) only involves meta and title tags, but it actually involves much more. It involves the actual content of your web site and web pages. The kind of stuff the humans (you and me) are interested in. Things like articles, stories and tutorials, guides or any kind of knoledge item that would be of interest or usefull to the user. Clever design and copy writing are also utilised to have the web site demand the attention it deserves

So the most important thing about Search Engine Optimization or SEO is improving the quality and quantity of traffic to your web site from search engines. This means that SE (search engines) must first know that you exist. They must also rank you high enough for a particular search word or phase and categorise your web site and web page correctly in order to place you in the top search results. They do this to deliver the best relevant pages for the desired search query. It is a proven fact that  people are unlikely to scroll through pages and pages of information to find your site. At most they will probably go to three pages deep, maybe two or three more if they are looking for something specific. But this just means that their search term is not correct. In most cases people often only click and consider the links returned by the first and maybe second pages of the search result. In fact the top 3-5 results on the first page are the most likely candidates that fit a given search query.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is not a once off thing, or some great magic wand that you wave. It’s a process. It’s a daily task. Something that you have to continually do for months and months and perhaps even years. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a continues battle to stay on top. Search Engine Optimization is a daily task to get better search rankings, and then perhaps even harder to keep those rankings.When you achieve the desired ranking, or Search Engine Results Placement (top of page 1 of the search engine results pages) you have to work harder to keep it there.There are just so many other nasty people that are doing their utmost to knock you off your top ranking and to take your spot above the search results.

Search Engine Optimization is not difficult to understand. But it could be difficult to implement correctly.  Sure, you can get really complicated and technical with SEO, just like any other subject. However, search engine optimization at its heart is simple and clean. With a good strategy, and dedication. One step at a time. You can get your site ranked up there with the big boys. But don’t be deluded into believing that it will happen over night.


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