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Do you and your blog have a support group?


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2009/10/09 09:01 AM RssIcon

supportgroup Just this week we received some sad news. An elderly gentlemen in our church passed away after a battle with cancer. What amazed me is how our church members rallied around his wife and family. Comforting her, taking control of planning, taking the wife out so that she is not alone in this trying time. But then it struck me, as a blogger do I have a support group. When the time comes for help, who would I turn to?

No blogger should be an Island. You cannot do it yourself. Blogging is all about connecting. It’s social networking. Building up followers, readers and of course a support group.

The support group is not there to help you get over blogging as in the AA, but rather to help and encourage you to do greater things on your blog. In times when you need an idea for a post, help to promote your blog, write a guest post when you are unable to write. Help on commenting and moderation.

I have identified three main groups where your support can come from:


If nothing else blogging affects your direct family. Wives, husbands, children, siblings, mother, father. As a blogger I find that my family is affected by my blog, either by time, emotionally, physically. The important thing is that if you want to be a successful blogger, you have to get the support of your family. No blogger should have the web the internet and blogging come between them and their family.

Family are a great source of encouragement. They have tons of ideas. Man, they can even help with commenting on your posts, they might not agree or understand everything you write. Get your family involved. Make them part of your blog team.

My wife helps with proof-reading, and critiquing of my posts. Just the other day she suggested I do not post an article I wrote as it was not appropriate. I took her advice.


Your next source of support can come from your closest friends. If you have a friend that is not willing to help you in time of need, I would question that friendship. The closest friendship bonds will go to all lengths in order to help each other out. Once again, friends can be a great source of ideas. Help with traffic, commenting, and even posts.

Have you ever thought to interview your friends and make that into a post?

Online  community.

The web is full of social media these days. It seems to be the buzz word of the internet. Blogging is all about being social. Make use of this medium to connect to various people. Not just for the sake of increasing your following but for the sake of building a network. Build up trust, make true online friends.

Online communities like:


Some think that this cannot be done, but believe me it can. I have a few online friends that I am sure are willing to come to my aid should I need them. They would be willing to help where ever they can, within their capability.

One friend to mention is Etienne, who says “he has my back”. What a comfort that is. This man has just been a huge help to me. He re-tweets my tweets without request, offers help wherever he can. Gives me words of encouragement. If we could only find more online friends like this.

Be part of helping others and they will help you. Join a community, become part of it, and an indispensible part of it. Join a blog collaboration forum like Twitter12.

Twitter12 provides an online community for bloggers to form tribes of twelve members (called ‘Twitter12’) by niche and then help each other on Twitter by promoting each other’s latest blog posts. It’s also a place where bloggers can come together and exchange ideas to improve your blogs.”


Building a network of willing, helpful and loyal people around you is a must for you and your blog. There are times when you will need their help. Who will you call? It certainly will not be Ghost Busters! Build up these three categories of friends and social groups. Incorporate them into your blog, your life. I promise you, your life will be much easier, they will be a blessing to you and your blog will only go from strength to strength.

Related Reading:

How to promote your blog by networking

Your comments make content more valuable

10 Things to help make Twitter work for you.

15 Things to do on Facebook that will help promote your business.

Email a new reader to build your blog’s readership

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11 comment(s) so far...

Do you and your blog have a support group?

Just this week we received some sad news. An elderly gentlemen in our church passed away after a battle with cancer. What amazed me is how our church members rallied around his wife and family. Comforting her, taking control of planning, taking the wife out so that she is not alone in this trying time. But then it struck me, as a blogger do I have a support group. When the time comes for help, who would I turn to?

By TrackBack on  2009/10/09 10:33 AM

Re: Do you and your blog have a support group?

Yes, It is a must if you have no supporters then u have nothing and every internet marketer should know that I was told from the time I started build a list, simply stated get a target consumer thats interested in your product that you can markry too. Great Post!

By Misty Mays on  2009/10/09 09:38 AM

Re: Do you and your blog have a support group?

I found the support group through Twitter12 has been great, especially on the comments front. I've also found some of the members to have given me some terrific ideas and advice.

By Gordie Rogers on  2009/10/09 10:58 AM

Re: Do you and your blog have a support group?

I could not agree more, Robert. Having a support group is something that I feel many bloggers overlook. Another set of eyes, or another perspective is always helpful. Much like life itself, "everybody needs somebody".

By Jimi Jones on  2009/10/09 02:30 PM

Re: Do you and your blog have a support group?

I always used to think of home working like the old sayings "how do you know the light goes off when you shut the fridge door" and "in the rain forest, who sees the tree fall."

When I was self empoloyed for 10 years, part of that was working for the European Commission and there was a tremendous feeling of family among our project members and there was a tremendous amount of support both given and taken.

That still exists today although the process is quicker through online chat and Skype etc.

By Kevin Tea on  2009/10/09 04:48 PM

Re: Do you and your blog have a support group?

Good things to think about! My family fully supports my blogging. I love that!

But, who would blog for me when I can't? Ha! That's a tough one.

By Erica Mueller on  2009/10/09 08:04 PM

Re: Do you and your blog have a support group?

My friends aren't too interested in my blog, and my family's not really into the same niche. I send them links occasionally. My fiancée is a huge help, too. She always keeps interested in what I'm writing about and spreads the word when something's quality.

It's the online community where I draw my support from. Just Twitter and a close circle of online friends has really helped support and keep me going. Just knowing people read me is almost enough.

By Professor Beej on  2009/10/09 08:10 PM

Re: Do you and your blog have a support group?

This is a tough one for a lot of us, who are not a accustomed to admitting that we are in fact human. :) Blogging is about writing but also about connecting and the one thing that has struck me is how gracious the blogging community is with the odd exception that proves the rule naturally.

Ultimately though I'm yet to hear one successful blogger say "I did it all on my own"

By Michael on  2009/10/13 01:18 AM

Re: Do you and your blog have a support group?

Hey Erica,

It's fantastic to hear that your family supports you.
But listen, if you ever get into a pickle, drop me a line I would'nt mind blogging for you when your in need. THat is if you care for a guy to blog on a blog that's a "Womans Thoughts on Tech...."

By Robert Bravery on  2009/10/13 06:54 AM

Re: Do you and your blog have a support group?


I get a lot of support from the online community. But then again I also offer a lot of support. It's a give and take world. There are lots of guys and gals online just willing to help you, if you just give them the time of day.

By Robert Bravery on  2009/10/13 07:06 AM

Re: Do you and your blog have a support group?

Hey Michael,

I wonder if old "Blue Eyes", Sanatra would have been a good blogger, seeing that he did everything "My way" :)

By Robert Bravery on  2009/10/13 07:23 AM
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