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Author:Created:2008/06/30 03:59 PMRssIcon

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By Robert Bravery on 2019/07/02 07:53 AM

You may all have heard about the web applications that can be easily accessed by using standard browser. Some people think that these are similar to the mobile apps, but it is not the right thing. Well, the web apps are different from mobile apps so you should always keep this thing in mind. Before going to develop these applications, you should consider some important points. With the help of this,...
By Robert Bravery on 2017/04/08 12:21 PM
What exactly is Well, started as a line for line port of Akka from Scalar into C# with certain adaptations to bridge differences in language and platform features. now is continuing to be developed as an open source C# project with many useful add-ons to help in concurrent and distributed programming. is based around the Actor model. In the Actor model everything is considered as an actor. This is similar in object-orientated programming where everything...
By Robert Bravery on 2017/02/05 06:50 PM
Computers have come a long way since the early 1960's, 1970's and even the 1980's. Where at one time personal computers were never heard of, and any real computer that could do anything substantial took up a whole room or even a whole floor of an office building.

My first computer I had was in the early 1980's. It was a Sinclair ZX spectrum, with, wait for it, a grand total of 48k ram. I first learned to program using Sinclair Basic. Programming primarily games and some business projects posted...
By Robert Bravery on 2016/07/25 06:04 PM
Java still king of the hill, according to TIOBE index for July 2016. But does it surprise you that Assembly Language has made it into the top 10. Java, C and C++ have been consistent at the top for about the last 10 years occupying positions 1, 2 and 3.

C is showing signs of dropping and might even give up it's...
By Robert Bravery on 2016/07/23 08:40 PM
Why is it that so many people hate Agile not that they just hate agile, but that they will og out their way to be so vocal about it.

People are often averse to change. When new things come about that threaten there comfortable way of life, they put up a brick wall and defend with all they got. Even if it means they have to make up some ridiculous excuses.


By Robert Bravery on 2015/04/16 08:44 AM
Visual Studio Professional for free. Do my eyes deceive me? Microsoft is now offering free download full edition of Visual Studio Professional. Aptly named, Visual Studio Community Edition. It is the fully featured professional edition with some license limitations for enterprise users.

With all the hype about free and open source software, Microsoft have gotten their fair share of criticism in this area. Microsoft now offers the new Visual Studio Community for Visual Studio 2013 and Visual...
By Robert Bravery on 2013/11/27 11:48 AM
A normal database is never just one table. In fact a normal database is a collection of tables. In a relational database we have many tables related to each other. Querying these tables efficiently brings enhanced performance to a database based application.

Entity Framework offers several different ways to load the entities that are related to each other. For example, when you query for SalesOrderDetails, there are different ways that the related Products will be queried and loaded.

By Robert Bravery on 2013/10/16 07:43 AM
Human Rights! What are they? So many issues surrounding Human rights. They are abused, and some are even made up to either puff up our ego or hide some criminal action or intent.

Rights and freedom have existed throughout human history. Most of the time they were generally accepted and implied. Like the right to live, and the right to defend yourself. But in the modern world and in many countries human rights and been legislated into law.

Then we have the right to water and the right...
By Robert Bravery on 2013/10/05 08:35 AM

So my junior computer class (where I teach python) convinced me and organised to go to...
By Robert Bravery on 2013/09/26 07:32 AM
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